Homepage | ACT-IAC
ACT-IAC is a nonprofit organization that connects government and industry leaders to improve government services and outcomes. Learn about its events, reports, communities, and sponsors.
Log in with Generic OAuth …Explore ACT-IAC. Maximize your membership by taking advantage of the many …JoinOne of our major member benefits is the opportunity for ACT-IAC members to participate within our Communities of Interests. The Communities of Interest …AttendJoin ACT-IAC for a second meeting in a series of upcoming events being …SponsorACT-IAC provides a trusted forum where government and industry executives are able to exchange information on strategies, solutions, and industry trends, …EngageThe ACT-IAC Artificial Intelligence Working Group (AI-WG) seeks to enable government agencies with the ability to assess their organization to identify …LearnAccording to the most recent ACT-IAC Member Engagement survey, ACT-IAC Members rate the Professional Development programs of ACT-IAC as the #1 …Upcoming Events - ACT-IAC
ACT-IAC is a coalition of government, industry and academia that promotes innovation and modernization in the federal sector. Browse the calendar of events and meetings to learn …
American Council for Technology and Industry Advisory Council
The American Council for Technology (ACT) and Industry Advisory Council (IAC) is a non-profit public-private partnership dedicated to improving government through the application of information technology. ACT-IAC provides a forum where government and industry exchange information and collaborate on technology issues in the public sector.
Established in 1979 as the Federation of Government Information Processing Councils (FGIPC)…Wikipedia · CC-BY-SA 许可下的文字- 预计阅读时间:2 分钟
The Buzz - ACT-IAC
The Buzz is a podcast series by ACT-IAC, a nonprofit organization that connects government and industry leaders in the federal technology market. Listen to insights on AI, innovation, climate …
Summary - 2025 Contact Center Annual Summit
The Contact Center Annual Summit is being done in collaboration between ACT-IAC, Carahsoft and Dorris Consulting International. OBJECTIVES: The importance of the contact center …
Summary - Digital Transformation Summit 2025
This Summit is being planned and hosted by ACT-IAC and Carahsoft and will focus on where Digital Transformation is today, how it has been used to transition to new innovative …
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ACT-IAC is a non-profit organization that provides a national platform for government and industry executives to communicate, collaborate and learn on IT issues. It was founded in 1978 as …
American Council for Technology - Industry Advisory Council (ACT …
ACT-IAC is a public-private partnership that improves government through the effective and innovative application of technology. It hosts conferences, forums, and workshops on topics …
我们的信仰 我们是一群接受耶稣基督作救主的基督徒。我们相信圣经中所启示的独一的真神,祂差出独生的爱子耶稣基督,道成肉身,经过三十三年多的时间,死在十字架上,并在十架上流出 …
Why Associations Matter - ACT/IAC - LinkedIn
2021年8月28日 · ACT-IAC offers a range of unique ways to get involved and “make a difference” including our eight Communities of Interest, or “COIs,” that are focused on the key topics that matter most to...
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