GitHub - WB2CBA/ADX: ADX - Arduino Digital Modes HF …
2023年7月14日 · ADX is a mono band (actually quad band) digital modes optimized HF transceiver that can cover four pre-programmed bands one band at a time by swapping Band LPF Modules. It can work on 80m, 40m, 30m,20m, 17m, 15m and 10m bands and can operate on four of the most popular digital modes, FT8, FT4, JS8call and WSPR.
ADX is a mono band (actually quad band) digital modes optimized HF transceiver that can cover four pre-programmed bands one band at a time by swapping Band LPF Modules. It can work on 80m, 40m, 30m,20m, 17m, 15m and 10m bands and can operate on four of the most popular digital modes, FT8, FT4, JS8call and WSPR. ADX POCKET consists of two boards:
CRKits: ADX-S, CPK, 13TR and R3500
The A rduino D igital T ransmitter is an open source QRPP transmitter for digital modes of WSPR/JS8/FT4/FT8. It can work with a broadcast receiver of AM mode to make a complete transceiver. Photo: BG7IKK who built the ADX-S kit and achieved over 18,000 km DX with his EFHW antenna. Click the photo to enlarge.
GitHub - chillmf/ADX-FT8-Pocket: A Self Contained 500mWatt FT8 …
A Self Contained 500 mWatt FT8 HF Transceiver Using SiLabs Si5351 and Si4732 ICs. This project was designed and fabricated by Barb, WB2CBA, and Charley, W5BAA. The project …
Ham radio blog by OZ1BXM: ADX-S - Arduino Transceiver for …
2024年4月9日 · ADX-S stands for Arduino Digital Transceiver - Superheterodyn. ADX-S is a QRP transceiver with four modes: WSPR, FT8, FT4 and JS8. There are two versions available; one with 4 bands (40m, 20m, 15m, 10m) and another one with 7 bands (40m, 30m, 20m, 17m, 15m, 12m, 10m). ADX-S is open source.
开源项目介绍:数字收发信机DDX - HamCQ 社区
单根 USB-C 线缆,用于处理音频 + CAT 控制. 在所有 HF 频段上实现真正的 5W 输出。 它甚至能在50 MHz频段上输出 12W ! (只是需要一个匹配6m波段的接收部分)。 【注:但没有提供谐波/杂散方面的数据,希望大家一起来DIY并测试】 坚如磐石的 PA,可处理开路、短路和恶劣的 SWR 条件 (1:10 SWR) 经过测试)。 我们故意使用未调谐的天线对其进行压力测试,并且仍然可以管理 DX(虽然肯定不是推荐的做法)。 坚如磐石的 VFO,即使在暴露条件下也不会漂移。 …
AVR-HF QRP Trx ADX - FT4-FT8-JS8-WSPR - Tindie
ADX is a mono band (actually quad band) digital modes optimized HF transceiver that can cover four pre-programmed bands one band at a time! It can work on 80m,40m,30m,20m,17m,10m and 15m bands and also covers four of the most popular digital modes, FT8, FT4, JS8call and WSPR.
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廉价业余无线电收发套件ADX-S v2 - BG4VRG的无线电之旅
2024年5月22日 · ADX-S顾名思义,是一个简易的基于 Arduino 模块的纯数字收发信机,而加上 S 表示接收从原来的直接变频 DC 改成了超外差 Superhet,接收效果提升明显,加上一系列体验的完善,已经成为一个非常贴近初学者的数字收发信机套件 。
ft8操作指南 (Gary Hinson, ZL2iFB)中文翻译版 - HELLOCQ
2023年10月8日 · 对于很多刚入门FT8的新手来说,Gary Hinson (ZL2iFB)的这本 FT8操作指南 无疑是本宝贵的小册子,里面凝聚了作者FT8实操中,几万个QSO出来的各种避坑经验、技术技 …
ADX - Arduino Digital Modes HF Transceiver - Share Project
2023年6月22日 · ADX is a mono band (actually quad band) digital modes optimized HF transceiver that can cover four pre-programmed bands one band at a time by swapping Band LPF Modules. It can work on 80m, 40m, 30m,20m, 17m, 15m and 10m bands and can operate on four of the most popular digital modes, FT8, FT4, JS8call and WSPR.
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