AEK-971 - Wikipedia
The AEK-971 (Russian: Автомат единый Кокшарова 971, "Automatic (rifle), Universal, (of) Koksharov, 971) is a selective fire 5.45×39mm assault rifle that was developed at the Kovrov Mechanical Plant (KMZ) by chief designer Stanislav Ivanovich Koksharov (Cyrilic: Станислав Иванович Кокшаров), also ...
AEK971自动步枪 - 百度百科
AEK971 ——〖枪炮世界〗
AEK-971最主要的特点是采用了称之为平衡动作(balanced action)原理的回转式闭锁枪机系统。 所谓的“平衡动作”是指AEK-971的导气装置有两个导气室和两个导气活塞,第一个导气活塞如通常的一样导气杆与机框相连并一起运动,而第二个导气活塞则与配重装置连接且运动方向与第一个导气活塞相反,这种同步反方向移动的配重装置抵消了射击时的后座冲量,使步枪在全自动射击时非常平稳。 另外,为了让两组活塞同步,两组活塞杆之间通过一个齿轮联动。 所以AEK-971的 …
步枪科普:AEK-971 - 哔哩哔哩
2023年5月2日 · AEK-971是由位于俄罗斯科夫罗夫的科夫罗夫机械工厂(俄文:Ковровскомий механический завод),在1978年设计的突击步枪,具有特殊的平衡自动反冲系统,有限的被一些特种部队采用,其生产于2006年后转移至捷格加廖夫工厂。 KORD 6P67/ 6P68 (原代号 A-545/ A-762)是捷格加廖夫为了参与勇士单兵作战系统计划所研发改良型号,在2014年12月底俄罗斯军队宣布KORD 6P67与AK-12将会一起作为下一代俄罗斯部队换装的目标,预计2015年3月开始分 …
АЕК-971 — Википедия
АЕК-971 — советский автомат, разработанный в 1978 году на заводе имени Дегтярёва в Коврове под руководством Станислава Ивановича Кокшарова на основе автомата системы Константинова (СА-006), участвовавшего в конкурсе 1974 года [1].
俄罗斯轻A-545/A-762突击步枪 ——〖枪炮世界〗武器
捷格佳廖夫工厂没有立即重新生产AEK-971,而是先进行改进,改进后的AEK系列被重新命名,其中5.45口径的AEK-971称为A-545,而7.62mm口径的AEK-973步枪被称为A-762。 大概在2010年左右,捷格佳廖夫工厂成功获得来自俄罗斯内务部和其他俄罗斯执法机构的新订单,于是恢复了AEK系列突击步枪的生产。 A-545步枪的在内、外部都比早期的AEK-971有较多的细节改进。
KMZ AEK-971 Assault Rifle - Military Factory
2017年2月25日 · The AEK-971 Assault Rifle emerged from the Kovrov Mechanical Plant (KMZ) during the 1980s with design work having begun the decade prior. At its core the weapon became a traditional automatic weapon system firing the usual array of Soviet standard cartridges through a gas-operated, rotating bolt action.
AEK-971 - a machine gun ahead of its time | Weapon - Military …
2025年1月24日 · The AEK-971 assault rifle gained its rebirth already in the 21st century, when the Russian military finally thought about a real replacement for the AK-74M. On the basis of the AEK-971, two new models of automatic machines with balanced automatic equipment A-545 (caliber 5, 45x39 mm) and A-762 (caliber 7, 62x39 mm) were created, which became a ...
AYeK-971 | FirearmCentral Wiki | Fandom
The AYeK-971 is a Soviet assault rifle developed in the late 1970s through 1980 from the SA-006. The AEK-971 was developed as a competitor against the other firearms as part of Project Abakan.
Automatic AEK-971 A-545 6P67 6P68 (Russia) - knifesburg.ru
AEK-971 - a Soviet assault rifle developed in 1978 at the Degtyarev plant in Kovrov under the leadership of Stanislav Ivanovich Koksharov based on the Konstantinov system assault rifle (SA-006), which participated in the 1974 competition [1].