HOW TO: Setup AFR / Lambda ERROR Graphs vs. VE Table (non …
2016年2月22日 · First go to the Graphs tab. If you don't have a Graphs tab, go to layout, add to layout, graph. Right click in the graph, select graph layout. Click on "click to insert or change" …
Applicable Federal Rates (AFRs) | Brentmark, Inc. | Financial Software
The webpage provides information on Applicable Federal Rates (AFRs) including short-term, mid-term, and long-term rates.
Air/Fuel Ratio - Cycledoctor
Regardless of the actual ideal air/fuel ratio number, almost everyone wishes to see a nice, flat air/fuel graph. This means that the ratio stays constant throughout the rpm range. A perfectly …
Lambda / AFR Table - FTY Racing
As a quick reference, here are lambda values and their AFR equivalents for different fuels. This is handy to use when looking at a wideband display/gauge that displays a gas scale AFR or just …
Initial AFR Table Calculator
This is a tool for establishing a baseline AFR table for your tuning efforts with MegaSquirt® or MicroSquirt® controllers. It is designed to work in Internet Explorer 6.0, though it may work …
HP Tuners AFR Error Correction Graph Setup - YouTube
2018年3月23日 · A brief explanation on how to setup an AFR correction graph that you can use to quickly whip your VE tables into shape. This is a follow up to my Wideband via EGR sensor …
Scanner AFR Graph 2 cells not populating average while live, but ...
My AFR Error graph has blank cells in MAP 60-65 RPM 1200 for average when live logging. It does show last and count in these cells. After saving the file the cells are populated.
Applicable federal rates (AFR) - Thomson Reuters
Applicable federal rates (AFR) Download your free report to stay up to date with the latest in applicable federal rates
Tech Tips - How to Adjust Wideband, AFR, and EQR Commanded
2020年9月23日 · In his case, he is having trouble using a AFR Graph using his AEM 30-0334 wideband. When using the feature, be advised that the method in the book is specifically for …
AFR Error Not Working - HP Tuners Bulletin Board
2016年2月27日 · I've got AFR commanded and MPVI.1 AEM in my channel and they are working. I've got the math set up like this. 100*([30001.10]-[50121])/[50121]. I've got all the proper …