AGM-181 LRSO - Wikipedia
The AGM-181 Long Range Stand Off Weapon (LRSO) is a nuclear-armed air-launched cruise missile under development by Raytheon Technologies that will replace the AGM-86 ALCM.
LRSO Nuclear Missile’s Development Extended, Funding Deferred
2024年3月23日 · The Air Force will extend development of the secretive AGM-181A Long-Range Stand-Off (LRSO) missile and cut funding in fiscal 2025.
美研发新型巡航导弹以「保持可靠的空基核威慑」,这透露了哪些 …
目前,美国正在开发一种很有前途的空射巡航导弹AGM-181远程防区外 (LRSO)导弹。 未来,这种武器的战略用途将包括在B-52H和B-2A远程轰炸机的弹药中,取代现有的AGM-86导弹,如下图。 到目前为止,LRSO项目已经达到飞行测试和设计开发阶段,这些过程的细节最近已经为人所知。 LRSO计划,其目标是创造一种新的ALCM来取代老化的AGM-86 ALCM,项目开始于20世纪10年代早期。 随后,它被暂停了几年,需求被修改。 新武器的全面开发始于2017- 2018年。 雷神 …
解析AGM-181:美国空基核威慑新力量的崛起与影响-全文2.64万 …
AGM - 181 是美国 雷神公司 为美国空军研发的新一代核空射巡航导弹,旨在取代服役数十年的 AGM - 86B 型空射核巡航导弹。 随着现代化多层防空系统的不断发展,AGM - 86B 在面对先进防空体系时,突防能力逐渐显得力不从心。 美国空军早在 2012 年就将 AGM - 86B 的退役时间定为 2030 年,这也为 AGM - 181 的发展提供了契机。 在技术层面,AGM - 181 融合了先进的隐身技术,能够有效规避现代化防空系统的侦测。 其导航系统采用全球定位系统(GPS)和惯性导航 …
LRSO Stealth Nuclear Missile On Track for Production Decision in …
2023年4月25日 · The Raytheon AGM-181 Long-Range Standoff missile is on track for a production decision in 2027, having passed its critical design review in March, according to Air Force budget documents.
強化「核三位一體」戰力 美成功測試下一代空射巡弋核彈
2023年10月4日 · 美軍下一代空射巡弋核彈AGM-181「長程距外武器」(Long Range Standoff Weapon,LRSO),將成為未來美國陸基洲際彈道飛彈、潛射彈道飛彈、戰略轟炸機組成「核三位一體」戰力的重要一環。
US Air Force Advances AGM-181 LRSO Program Amid Safety …
2024年2月11日 · With a range spanning 1,500 miles (2,500 km), the AGM-181 LRSO is positioned to replace the aging AGM-86B Air-Launched Cruise Missile (ALCM), boasting enhanced operational reach and the ability to safeguard launching aircraft against sophisticated enemy air defense systems.
U.S. Air Force Holds Critical Design Review for LRSO
The U.S. Air Force said that it conducted a Critical Design Review (CDR) for the Raytheon Technologies [RTX] AGM-181 Long Range Stand-Off (LRSO) nuclear-tipped cruise missile on Feb. 27-March 2 at Eglin AFB, Fla.
Raytheon AGM-181 LRSO - Designation-Systems.Net
Raytheon AGM-181 LRSO. The LRSO (Long-Range Standoff) cruise missile program was initiated by the U.S. Air Force in 2015 to develop a replacement for the AGM-86B ALCM. Two competitors, Lockheed Martin and Raytheon, received development contracts for the LRSO missile in August 2017.
美军选定AGM-181A导弹 意图“保持空基核威慑优势”_凤凰网
据美国“动力”网站“战区”专栏近日报道,美空军已对其未来可配备核弹头的AGM-181A远程防区外巡航导弹原型进行了9次飞行测试,其中一次测试使用了模拟核弹头。 据称,此次测试旨在评估导弹的隐形能力。 核常兼备. 据报道,美国空军已选择雷神公司来研发AGM-181A巡航导弹,用以取代AGM-86B空射巡航导弹。 军事观察员邵永灵综合美军目前发布的一些信息介绍,AGM-181A导弹是一型核常兼备的远程巡航导弹,除了突防和兼容能力较强外,并无太多亮点。 邵永灵 : 美 …
美军空地新利器,研发进行时 - 百家号
2023年10月11日 · 据俄罗斯媒体观点报报道,目前,美国空军正在基于lsro(远程防区外巡航导弹计划)项目研制一种先进的空基巡航导弹agm-181,该型导弹计划替代现有的agm-86导弹成为b-52h和b-2a远程轰炸机的机载武器。
【装备发展】B-21的核大棒!美空军授出AGM-181A空射核巡航导 …
2021年7月16日 · AGM-181A远程防区外导弹将取代AGM-86B,成为新一代空射核巡航导弹。 B-52H是AGM-86B导弹的唯一适装平台,该型轰炸机也从2016年开始被美空军规定只使用AGM-86B导弹(不再挂装核航弹)执行核打击任务。 按美空军的要求,AGM-181A则可供B-21“空袭者”、B-2A“幽灵”和B-52H三型轰炸机使用。 对该导弹极高生存力的追求,使美空军直接拒绝了美国洛马公司曾提出的、以AGM-158B隐身空射巡航导弹为基础发展下一代空射 …
Flight Testing Of Air Force’s New Nuclear-Armed Cruise Missile …
2023年10月3日 · The U.S. Air Force has conducted at least nine flight tests of prototypes of its future nuclear-tipped AGM-181A Long Range Stand Off cruise missile, or LRSO. This includes a test where a prototype missile successfully flew by itself along a set route while loaded with a special test article designed to act as a surrogate for a live W80-4 ...
【装备发展】AGM-181A要来了?美空军选择美国雷神公司作为“远 …
2020年4月21日 · “远程防区外”核空射巡航导弹将取代该型导弹,预计至少射程保持在2000~3000千米,配装新型W80-4核战斗部,生存力将比AGM-86B“高得多”——为了确保足够的生存力,在该项目启动之初,美空军高管曾经出面直接解释为什么拒绝采用AGM-158B轻型隐身空射巡航导弹的改进,称新的核空射巡航导弹生存力要求即使是AGM-158B改进也达不到的。 这可能意味着美空军对该导弹隐身要求很高,甚至可能在该导弹上直接配备电子干扰、诱饵对抗措施; …
New Nuclear Cruise Missile Ahead of Schedule for Next …
2021年1月15日 · The AGM-181 will replace the AGM-86B Air-Launched Cruise Missile carried by the B-52 as part of the bomber leg of the nuclear triad. Much about the LRSO, which is extremely stealthy and is not a hypersonic weapon, remains highly classified.
The US has secretly been testing its new LRSO nuclear cruise missile
2023年10月17日 · While details about this new missile, dubbed the AGM-181A Long Range Stand Off cruise missile (LRSO), remain limited, these successful tests suggest the weapon is well on its way to entering service before the close of the decade.
LRSO Stealth Nuclear Missile on Track for Production Decision in …
2023年4月27日 · The Raytheon AGM-181 Long-Range Standoff missile is on track for a production decision in 2027, having passed its critical design review in March, according to Air Force budget documents.
Raytheon to Build New Nuclear Cruise Missile
The new missile will be dubbed the AGM-181 when it becomes operational. The Air Force in 2016 projected the total acquisition cost of the LRSO program at $10.8 billion after including the impact of inflation.
AGM-181 LRSO - Wikiwand
The AGM-181 Long Range Stand Off Weapon (LRSO) is a nuclear-armed air-launched cruise missile under development by Raytheon Technologies that will replace the AGM-86 ALCM.
AGM-181 LRSO | Military Wiki | Fandom
The AGM-181 Long Range Stand Off Weapon (LRSO) is a nuclear-armed air-launched cruise missile under development by Raytheon Technologies that will replace the AGM-86 ALCM. As of August 24, 2017, Raytheon and Lockheed Martin received separate $900 million contracts from the Department of Defense...