Outgoing Global Volunteer (oGV) | AIESEC in B&H - HUB
Outgoing Global Volunteer team is responsible for creating local strategies on converting opens to applicants, applicants to accepted and accepted to approved, decrease the process time at the local level between the customer flow stages.
Teaching Internships - AIESEC
Become a global teacher intern with AIESEC. Develop your leadership while boosting your career prospects with an opportunity to work as a teacher abroad.
Projects - Google Sites
AIESEC’s Outgoing Global Volunteer (oGV) program connects young people to impactful international projects aligned with the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)....
Outgoing Global Exchange (GV, GTa and GTe) - AIESEC Canada Hub
You will check content for oGX, oGV and/or oGT. Our NEC is renewed and how it will be delivered will be different. Talk to your VP to know how your team will be completing it and complete the quiz at the end. At the end, you will see sessions for oGX policies. Make sure you go through them as they are still applicable for our EPs.
Welcome to the oGX National Education Cycle that will provide you with all the education you need to understand your role and learn how to communicate and promote oGX in your LC. Click through the topics you need more refreshers on. Don’t forget to take the test at the end of each phase so that you can obtain your certification!
Global Volunteer - AIESEC
On a Global Volunteer project with AIESEC, you work towards tackling the issues you're most passionate about with one of the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations.
Outgoing Global Volunteer — AIESEC Canada Hub
Click here to learn about the oGV Subproducts as well as the Sustainable Development Goals! Certain program details are out of date, but this resource still gives a good understanding of foundational concepts.
Outgoing Global Volunteer (oGV) is one of the biggest commissions within AIESEC in Malaysia as it is the focused product of AM and most LCs across Malaysia.
Space to explain AIESEC's purpose [AIESEC Way] and the relation with the Exchange Participant's leadership development - Set expectations about how to prepare for travel abroad
2019年10月9日 · Middle Management - What to do with your TLs if you’re a VP oGV! Create a new presentation and edit with others at the same time. Get stuff done with or without an internet connection. Use Slides to edit PowerPoint files. Free from Google.