AISI 6150 Steel | 1.8159 | 51CrV4 | Sup10 Spring Steel
AISI 6150 steel is chromium vanadium type spring steel. It’s a similar alloy steel to 5150 steel with small, but effective, vanadium addition, to import greater hardness. AISI steel 6150 has low distortion properties and is easily heat treated. The SAE 6150 steel grade is suitable for oil hardening and tempering.
AISI 6150 Alloy Steel (UNS G61500): Composition, Properties, and …
2024年12月10日 · AISI 6150 alloy steel, known by its UNS designation G61500, is a chromium-vanadium steel that boasts a blend of strength, toughness, and wear resistance. This material is highly valued in engineering and industrial applications for …
AISI/SAE 6150什么钢(国标“50CrVA”弹簧钢)圆棒板材百科
2024年11月26日 · 6150弹簧钢的交货状态根据用户需求和生产工艺的不同而有所差异。 热轧钢材可以以热处理或不热处理状态交货。 热处理状态交货的钢材通常具有更高的强度和硬度水平,能够满足一些对性能要求较高的场合的需求。
AISI 6150 Alloy Steel (UNS G61500) - AZoM.com
AISI 6150 alloy steel can be welded using any common welding methods. However, preheating and post weld stress relieving have to performed for welding this steel. Heat Treatment. AISI 6150 alloy steel is hardened at 871°C (1600°F). This steel is tempered followed by normalizing at 899°C (1650°F) and then air cooled.
AISI 6150 Alloy Steel | UNS G61500 | 1.8159 Spring Steel Guide
2025年3月5日 · AISI 6150 steel is a chromium-vanadium alloy with high carbon content. It is similar to AISI 5150 but contains a small amount of vanadium, which increases its hardness. This alloy is commonly used for components that must withstand high stress, vibration, and impact.
AISI-6150資料庫查詢系統 - 炬鋒特殊鋼股份有限公司
炬鋒服務簡介. 炬鋒特殊鋼股份有限公司是台灣一家擁有超過年經驗的專業aisi-6150整合服務供應商. 我們成立於西元2006年, 在特殊鋼材oem精密加工服務業領域上, 炬鋒提供專業高品質的aisi-6150鋼材供應服務, 炬鋒 總是可以達成客戶各種品質要求
The machinability rating of 6150 alloy steel is 59. Welding AISI 6150 alloy steel can be welded using any common welding methods. However, preheating and post weld stress relieving have to be performed for welding of this steel. Heat Treatment AISI 6150 alloy steel is hardened at 871°C (1600°F). This steel is tempered followed by normalizing at
SAE/AISI 6150(铬钒弹簧钢)百科 - 百家号
2024年8月19日 · sae/aisi 6150(铬钒弹簧钢)百科 ... 这种优异的疲劳强度和较高的屈服比,使得6150弹簧钢成为制造较大截面、高负荷弹簧的理想选择。无论是阀门弹簧、活塞弹簧还是安全阀弹簧,只要工作温度不超过300℃,astm6150都能展现出其卓越的性能。 ...
AISI 6150 STEEL是什么材料与国内什么材料接近? - 百度知道
aisi 6150 steel是什么材料与国内什么材料接近?aisi 6150 steel属于美标弹簧钢,执行标准:astm a29/a29m-04aisi 6150 steel化学成分如下图:从化学成分看,aisi 6150 steel对应国内牌号“50crv”
SAE/AISI 6150 Chromium-Vanadium Steel - Properties - Matmake
Here are some common applications of AISI 6150 steel: Springs: AISI 6150 steel is widely used in the manufacturing of helical and flat springs, including automotive suspension springs, valve springs, clutch springs, and various mechanical springs that require high strength and resilience.