Tucana (AK-88) - Wikipedia
AK-88 was originally authorized under Maritime Commission contract (MC hull 651) and assigned the name MV Symmes Potter. The name Tucana was assigned to her by the Navy on 30 October 1942; and, on 1 January 1943, her contract was transferred from the Maritime Commission to the supervision of the Navy; AK-88 to become an Enceladus -class cargo ...
A Profile of North Korea’s Type-88 Rifle - ROK Drop
2019年8月4日 · One of the largest armies in the world has adopted one of the most unusual variants of the AK-series of assault rifles. The North Korean People’s Army Type 88 rifle is similar to the Soviet-era AK-74 with one key difference: unusual helical magazines that carry up to five times as many rounds as conventional 30-round magazines. (…..)
88式自動步槍 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
88式自動步槍 是 朝鮮民主主義人民共和國 仿製的 AK-74。 曾因從 九州南西海域工作船事件 中打撈的實物上的不清銘文被誤認為是 98式自動步槍。 [1] 在1980年代末,北韓開始從蘇聯引進AK-74小口徑步槍及配套的5.45毫米槍彈,把仿製品稱為88式自動步槍,完全模仿自AK-74,但發射機構內同樣取消了擊鎚減速器,其餘與AK-74基本相同。 另外由於合成材料生產能力上的欠缺,所以槍身非金屬零件多為木質,彈匣也全部為鋼板沖壓而成。 但最近裝備部隊的步槍已開始改用 …
Type 88: The North Korean Army’s AK-74 Alternative
2021年11月18日 · One of the largest armies in the world has adopted one of the most unusual variants of the AK-series of assault rifles. The North Korean People’s Army Type 88 rifle is similar to the Soviet-era...
Type 88 assault rifle | Gun Wiki | Fandom
The Type 88 is a assault rifle made and manufactured in North Korea, being a rough-clone of the AK-74, it features slight modifications to suit local gunsmiths and production values.
Type 88 - Wikipedia
Type 88, a Chinese version of the Gewehr 88 bolt-action rifle; QBU-88 a Chinese sniper rifle also known as the Type 88; QJY-88, a Chinese machine gun also known as the Type 88; Type 88, the Chinese semi-automatic version of the AK-74 assault rifle; Type-88, a North Korean version of the AK-74 assault rifle
Type 88: North Korea’s Very Own AK-47 Rifle Is Everywhere
2021年3月7日 · One of the largest armies in the world has adopted one of the most unusual variants of the AK-series of assault rifles. The North Korean People’s Army Type 88 rifle is similar to the Soviet-era...
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North Korean Type 88 (AK 74) : r/ak47 - Reddit
2023年11月20日 · These Type 88’s were pulled from the wreckage of a North Korean spy ship that got into a firefight with the coast guard in 2001. Some unique features include the 90 degree gas black with a sling hook, the polymer upper hand guard and wood lower hand guard, and the folding stock assembly. Also notable are the stamped steel 5.45 magazines.
88式自动步枪 - 百度百科
朝鲜88式自动步枪系仿自苏联 AK-74 [2] (AKM 的5.45mm改进型),88式自动步枪与苏联AK-74相比,88式自动步枪减去了击锤减速器,其余与AK-74基本相同。 是朝鲜版的 AK74,但也可能根据朝鲜军队的战斗时使用的环境进行了一部分的改进。 跟68式不同,88式可能装备 朝鲜人民军 中的 特种部队。 但从新闻报道中看,在2010年之前该枪还只装备朝鲜人民军中的特种部队和炮兵,已经列装到普通部队。 外界尚不清楚朝鲜88式步枪具体的生产及装备数量,最早的实物样 …