AK-74 - Wikipedia
The AK-74 (Russian: Автомат Калашникова образца 1974 года, tr. Avtomat Kalashnikova obraztsa 1974 goda, lit. 'Kalashnikov assault rifle model 1974') is an assault rifle designed by …
AK-74 Rifles - Shop Now - Palmetto State Armory
The AK-74 is a derivative of the AK-47 but is lighter and faster. Its 5.45 x 39 round is a lighter, faster, more penetrating round that minimizes recoil and muzzle rise. This new platform also …
AK-47 vs AK-74 - Difference and Comparison | Diffen
The AK-47 and AK-74 are both Russian-made assault rifles designed by Mikhail Kalashnikov. The AK in the name refers to Kalashnikov (K) automatic (A) rifles and the numbers refer to the year …
AK74 Rifles For Sale - AtlanticFirearms.com
AK74 Rifle for sale at Atlantic Firearms. We have the best selection of AK 74 Rifles to meet your needs.
AK-74M - Kalashnikov Group
Specifications, detailed capabilities, as well as photo and video materials for the AK-74M 5.45 mm rifle, the standard issue personal weapon of the Russian Army and law enforcement agencies.
The AK-74: From Soviet Small Arm To Resistance Symbol
May 21, 2022 · Three Soviet naval infantrymen armed with AK-74 rifles circa 1985. Like the AK-47 and the AKM that came before it, the AK-74 was a symbol of Russian military strength during …
AK-74: Soviet Blaster for the 5.45x39mm Cartridge - Gun Digest
Aug 13, 2018 · The AK-74, Kalashnikov Avtomat, caliber 5.45mm (GRAU index 6P20) was developed in 1970 by Mikhail Kalashnikov himself and adopted by the Soviet armed forces in …