Titles & Abbreviations - American Kennel Club
For a title, dog must receive 15 points with at least two 1sts carrying championship points, 1 of which must be for 3 pts. or better. In order to acquire the title, a dog must achieve a minimum of...
Retriever Hunt Test Titles - American Kennel Club
In addition to achieving the core Hunt Test titles of; Junior (JH), Senior (SH) and Master (MH), there are three additional certificate titles that are offered as mentioned in the Regulations &...
Join In The Fun - American Kennel Club
To receive a qualifying score (pass the test), a dog must receive qualifying scores of at least 5 in each of the 4 categories. The overall score must equal 7 or above. A total of 4 qualifying...
2012年1月1日 · Applications for AKC licensed and member club Retriever Hunting Tests must be received at least three (3) months prior to the closing date. At present, the license fee for a Hunting Test is...
Title Abbreviations In A Dog’s Pedigree - Justamere Ranch
2019年7月17日 · For example, CH = AKC show champion, U-CH = UKC show champion, Can CH = Canadian show champion, Mex CH = Mexican show champion, Eng CH = English full show champion, and English Sh CH = English show champion. Also included are some that are not technically titles because they're not bestowed by the country's governing body.
Hunt Test Training and Handling - Dynamic Retrievers
The three levels of the AKC Hunt Test program are Junior, Senior, and Master. The Junior Hunter (JH) title requires4 junior passes. Junior tests incorporate four single marks, two on water and two on land. The Senior Hunter (SH) title is awarded to dogs with a JH title plus f our Senior passes, or 5 Senior passes.
Abbreviations and Meanings of Dog Titles – Bearpoint Kennels
American Kennel Club (AKC titles) JH – Junior Hunter; SH – Senior Hunter; MH – Master Hunter; QAA – Qualified All Ages; AFC – Amateur Field Champion; FC – Field Champion
East Tennessee Retriever Club
ETRC conducts official AKC Hunt Tests several times a year in the spring and fall. In addition, we sponsor one-day club trials, seminars, and fun training sessions during the year at local farms and Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency's managed areas. We have activities and training opportunities for dogs and owners of all levels and abilities.
AKC and UKC Hunt Test Overview - Kingmaker Kennels
How to gain the JH Title: A dog must pass 4 AKC Junior Level Hunt tests. Started level hunt test (SHR title) An overview of what you can expect in a Started level Hunt test: Four single marks: 2 on land & 2 on water. The hunting retriever is not required to be steady at the retrieving line.
Retriever Hunting Tests - American Kennel Club
There are three hunt test levels – Junior, Senior, Master, and titles can be earned at each level. Judges score dogs on their natural ability to mark and remember a fall, on their hunting style,...