AKG K77 Review | Headphone Reviews and Discussion - Head-Fi.org
2011年3月30日 · Here's a link to their page on the akg site: Link Build Quality/Comfort I also have the k701's and I was very pleased to find out that these have a similar self-adjusting headrest system. It makes throwing them on a breeze and is superbly comfortable.
AKG: K44mkII or K77 | Headphone Reviews and Discussion - Head …
2010年11月21日 · Good day fellas. Two AKG not-so-famous Headphones, (compared to their bigger brothers) : K44mkII or K77, Both at 50$ in amazon/musician's friend at the moment. K44 MKII (link to amazon) K77 (link to amazon) REALLY hi-quality images and specs in the AKG...
AKG K77 vs. AKG K99 | Headphone Reviews and Discussion - Head …
2010年9月28日 · At my local music-gear store they have a pair of AKG K77 and AKG K99. The K77 is closed-back and the K99 is open-back. I know these aren't the greatest headphones out there, and I'd really like to purchase one of these two headphones as they are both readily available to me. I like to listen to a wide range of genres simply from my Macbook.
AKG K77 mod | Headphone Reviews and Discussion - Head-Fi.org
2011年2月11日 · When I got my AKG K77, I liked it quite a bit for the price. I looked past the plasticky sound, and the congested low mid-range of 200hz to 450hz. I ended up eq'ing some of this out at times. I tried this “ [color=#000000]raindog1975[/color] ” mod very recently, with mixed results. First of all, let me give me a background of my "audiophile ...
Headphones like AKG K77 | Headphone Reviews and Discussion
2012年11月13日 · Hi. As can be seen in some of my other posts here, I like the sound of the AKG K77's. I think they have great bass, but not overpowering, but with slightly recessed mids and treble. The sound signature overall is appealing to me. Can any other Head-Fi'ers who own or have heard the K77's...
AKG: K44mkII or K77 | Page 2 - Head-Fi.org
2010年11月21日 · Search titles and first posts only. Search titles only
Sennheiser and AKG using the same drivers? - Head-Fi.org
2011年2月17日 · A couple a weeks ago a friend gave me a pair of fairly new AKG K77 ( he managed to brake the cable and decided he wanted an "upgrade" anyway so he bought a pair of Sennheiser 555 ). Yesterday evening I finally decided to replace the cable on the AKG's and when I opened the up the driver looked...
[Help] Sennheiser HD202 VS Akg K77 - Head-Fi.org
2013年3月29日 · I'm a newb on headphones quality and i need some help deciding between these 2 models! What for: MP3, FLAC and games, but i'm also a indie game developer who works with sound effects that will vary from birds singing to dragons screaming. I need an all-around equipment. Aspects that i...
Good morning, need help looking to replace my akg K77 =3
2015年2月10日 · Good day to all, I know this is my first post here, but I was browsing this forum researching about the akg k77 way back in 2011. The headphones are still in good working condition, but am hoping to have a little upgrade, sorta as a treat to my ears. I can catch and relate to most of the terms...
Akg k77 mod suggestions | Headphone Reviews and Discussion
2015年4月30日 · I just got a worn pair of AKG K77's for pretty cheap. I read the thread discussing the addition of cork and sticky tack into the enclosure and now I'm interested in other potential modifications. I know that there's probably a limited range of …