Low-temperature atomic layer epitaxy of AlN ultrathin films by …
2017年1月3日 · Atomic layer deposition (ALD) is an emerging and attractive technique for preparing nanoscale ultrathin films because of high uniformity over a large area,...
AlN薄膜常见沉积方法介绍 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
ald(原子层沉积) ALD通过逐个原子层的方式沉积薄膜。 首先引入三甲基铝(TMA),使其吸附在衬底上,然后用惰性气体冲刷掉多余的TMA。
基吸附于基片上反应生成aln, 由于反应的自限制 性, 每个循环只形成单原子层的aln 薄膜, 相对于 使用tma 与nh3 作为源的热型ald 技术而言, n、h 自由基拥有比nh 更高的活性, 故其可在低 于300 c 温度下沉积aln 薄膜. pe-ald 生长aln 薄膜的两个半反应: 1) alnh∗+al(ch3)3 →alnal ...
Atomic layer deposited high quality AlN thin films for efficient ...
Aluminum nitride (AlN), a ceramic material with high thermal conductivity and wide band gap has become a promising choice for thermal management in electronic devices. In this paper, we utilized thermal atomic layer deposition (ALD) to fabricate …
Amorphous AlN films grown by ALD from trimethylaluminum and ...
The great interest in aluminium nitride thin films has been attributed to their excellent dielectric, thermal and mechanical properties. Here we present the results of amorphous AlN films obtained by atomic layer deposition. We used trimethylaluminum and monomethylhydrazine as the precursors at a deposition temperature of 375–475 °C.
薄膜沉积丨原子层沉积(ALD)技术原理及应用 - AccSci英生科技
原子层沉积 (Atomic Layer Deposition, ALD)是一种基于化学气相沉积 (CVD) 的高精度薄膜沉积技术,是将物质材料以单原子膜的形式基于化学气相一层一层的沉积在衬底表面的技术。
Nucleation and growth behavior of aluminum nitride film using thermal ...
2020年6月15日 · In this study, AlN films are grown on bare Si and TiN substrates at 295–342 °C by thermal ALD using trimethyl aluminum (TMA) and ammonia. Facile nucleation and linear growth on the TiN substrate, and substrate-inhibited nucleation on the Si substrate, are observed. NH3 pretreatment may enhance the growth rate at the nucleation stage.
Structural characterization of AlN thin films grown on sapphire by ...
2023年5月31日 · By contrast, atomic layer deposition (ALD) method enables thin film deposition at a relatively low temperature (100 °C ∼ 400 °C), which can reduce the internal stress of the grown film, increase the bond strength between the …
Atomic layer deposition of AlN using atomic layer …
2021年3月8日 · Atomic layer deposition (ALD) of aluminum nitride (AlN) using in situ atomic layer annealing (ALA) is studied for microelectromechanical systems (MEMS). Effective piezoelectric in-plane actuation and sensing requires deposition of high crystal quality and (0002) oriented AlN on vertical sidewalls of MEMS structures.
原子层沉积系统在氮化铝AlN薄膜工艺中的应用 - 百度文库
原子层沉积 ALD(atomic layer deposition),是一种特殊的化学气相沉积 (CVD)方法。要实现气相前驱体化学吸附在基材表面,前驱体以脉冲方式交替 输入腔体,而且必须具有足够高的活化能[2]。相比于传统的薄膜沉积方法, ALD 拥有其独特的优势。