原子层沉积技术(1):工作原理与应用现状简介 - 知乎
原子层沉积 (atomiclayer deposition, ALD)技术,亦称原子层外延(atomiclayer epitaxy, ALE )技术,是一种基于有序、表面自饱和反应的化学气相薄膜沉积技术。原子层沉积技术起源于上世纪六七十年代,由前苏联科学家Aleskovskii和Koltsov首次报道,随后,基于电致发光薄膜 ...
Optimizing Atomic Layer Deposition Processes with Nanowire‐Assisted TEM ...
2024年2月29日 · Atomic layer deposition (ALD) is one of the premier methods to synthesize ultra-thin materials on complex surfaces. The technique allows for precise control of the thickness down to single atomic layers, while at the same time providing uniform coverage even for structures with extreme aspect ratios such as deep trenches or wires.
Conformal deposition and gap-fill by plasma ALD – some great TEM …
2021年5月24日 · In this blog post, we want to share a collection of transmission electron microscope (TEM) images that clearly visualize that plasma ALD can, indeed, provide excellent film conformality and seamless gap-filling.
TEM characterization of ALD layers in deep trenches using a …
2010年6月1日 · The capacitor structures with aspect ratio up to 50:1 (depth to diameter) were coated by atomic layer deposition (ALD). An advanced focused ion beam assisted preparation method is introduced to extract electron transparent TEM lamellae.
In Situ ALD-TEM System to Study Atomic Nucleation Phenomena
Transmission Electron microscopy (TEM) would be a suitable and widely available technique to accomplish this objective. However, standard instruments have differing vacuum requirements than those necessary for ALD. During ALD, TEM detectors could be damaged as they are being exposed to corrosive volatile chemical compounds.
原子层沉积(ALD)工艺揭秘:成功开发、优化和表征 ALD 工艺 …
2024年5月7日 · 原子层沉积技术(ald)是一种一层一层原子级生长的薄膜制备技术。理想的 ald 生长过程,通过选择性交替,把不同的前驱体暴露于基片的表面,在表面化学吸附并反应形成沉积薄膜。
Veeco - 全自動原子層沉積(ALD)系統 - 光學及半導器材專家
Veeco (Cambridge Nanotech),2003年成立於哈佛大學,05年搬到Boston並生產Thermal ALD - Savannah,之後生產Plasma ALD – Fuji、大量生產ALD-Phoenix。 2017年被Veeco收購,並更新了Fiji XT。至今為止,Veeco在ALD設備已有十多年經驗,全球已安裝五百多台ALD設備。
薄膜沉积丨原子层沉积(ALD)技术原理及应用 - AccSci英生科技
原子层沉积 (Atomic Layer Deposition, ALD)是一种基于化学气相沉积 (CVD) 的高精度薄膜沉积技术,是将物质材料以单原子膜的形式基于化学气相一层一层的沉积在衬底表面的技术。
In Situ ALD-TEM System to Study Atomic Nucleation Phenomena
2023年12月6日 · During ALD, TEM detectors could be damaged as they are being exposed to corrosive volatile chemical compounds. Here we present a dedicated TEM holder design, where ALD deposition occurs inside a microchip containing a large area cavity surrounded by thin film Al2O3 membranes.
利用纳米线辅助 TEM 分析优化原子层沉积工艺,Advanced …
2024年2月29日 · 原子层沉积(ald)是在复杂表面合成超薄材料的主要方法之一。 该技术可以精确控制小至单个原子层的厚度,同时即使对于深沟槽或电线等具有极端纵横比的结构也能提供均匀的覆盖。