Doing business with ALDOT? ALDOT is making changes to its Procurement Procedures. Learn More
Travel Information - Alabama Department of Transportation
Motorists planning to travel in Alabama can find traffic and road condition information, including live traffic camera feeds at www.ALGOtraffic.com or by downloading the ALGO Traffic app. …
Offices - Alabama Department of Transportation
ALDOT’s sworn officers have extensive state, local and federal law enforcement and regulatory experience, and are authorized to issue citations, tickets, complaints and subpoenas, and …
ALGO Traffic
ALGO Traffic provides live traffic camera feeds, updates on Alabama roads, and access to exclusive ALDOT information.
Alabama Department of Transportation - ALDOT
Alabama Department of Transportation Project Letting Information: This page provides information currently available from the Plans and Proposals Section of the Office Engineer …
Cameras - ALGO Traffic
ALGO Traffic provides live traffic camera feeds, updates on Alabama roads, and access to exclusive ALDOT information.
Publications - aldot.gov
Below is a searchable list of ALDOT publications. The list contains publications such as manuals, forms, policies, reports, and standards. The dropdown menus filter the list by office, section, …
For the most recent news from ALDOT please visit ALDOTNews.com. Conferences. Alabama Transportation Conference; SASHTO Conference; CEME Conference; Preconstruction …
State of Alabama - Inform.Alabama.Gov - Agency Details
Alabama Department of Transportation ALDOT The Transportation Department is responsible for rules, regulations, organization and coordination of the total highway program.