AN/ALE-47 - Wikipedia
The AN/ALE-47 Airborne Countermeasures Dispenser System is used to protect military aircraft from incoming radar and infrared homing missiles. It works by dispensing flares or chaff. It is used on a variety of U.S. Air Force, Navy, and Army aircraft, as well as in other militaries.
ALE-47 Airborne Countermeasures Dispenser System
The ALE-47 Airborne Countermeasure Dispenser System' delivers aircraft survivability from IR and RF missile attacks, and is the #1 choice across dozens of platforms for every U.S. Department of Defense branch and 30+ countries.
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ALE-47 - BAE Systems
Installed on more than 4,000 systems in over 30 countries, ALE-47 has proven its effectiveness in the battlefield and has become the trusted system of choice for aircrew survivability. Specialized engineering and manufacturing enables system
AN/ALE-47反制洒布器 - 百度百科
AN/ALE-47反制洒布器是美国三军飞机共同使用的诱饵洒布系统,能够施放干扰丝、热焰弹或者是最新的可抛弃主动干扰器。 它同时也是美国推出的第二种可以全自动操作的洒布器。 空军与海军使用的差异仅仅在安装诱饵包的形状上:海军是圆柱状,空军是方形。
AN/ALE-47反制灑佈器 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
AN/ALE-47反制灑佈器 是 美國 三軍飛機共同使用的 誘餌 灑佈系統,能夠施放 干擾絲 、 熱焰彈 或者是最新的可拋棄主動干擾器。 它同時也是美國推出的第二種可以全自動操作的灑佈器。 空軍與海軍使用的差異僅僅在安裝誘餌包的形狀上:海軍是圓柱狀,空軍是方形。 美國空軍 於1983年開始進行新型灑佈器的設計工作,然而在國防部的要求下而暫緩,於1986年成為三軍共同研發的計畫,預備取代 AN/ALE-39 和 AN/ALE-40干擾灑佈器。
AN/ALE-47 Countermeasures Dispenser System [CMDS] - GlobalSecurity.org
2011年7月7日 · The ALE-47 Countermeasure Dispenser System is an integrated, reprogrammable, computer controlled system to dispense expendables/decoys, designed to employ electronic and infrared...
AN/ALE-47反制灑撤系統 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
AN/ALE-47反制灑撤系統 是 美國 三軍飛機共同使用的 誘餌 灑撤系統,能夠施放 干擾絲 、 熱焰彈 或者是最新的可拋棄主動干擾器。 它同時也是美國推出的第二種可以全自動操作的灑撤系統。 空軍與海軍使用的差異僅僅在安裝誘餌包的形狀上:海軍是圓柱狀,空軍是方形。 美國空軍 於1983年開始進行新型灑撤系統的設計工作,然而在國防部的要求下而暫緩,於1986年成為三軍共同研發的計畫,預備取代 AN/ALE-39 和 AN/ALE-40干擾灑撤系統。
Extant Aerospace | Security | Countermeasure Systems
The AN/ALE-47 (V) is the US military’s primary chaff and flare dispensing system and is used on nearly 40 different platforms in 30 countries around the world. Extant has been the USAF prime contractor of the system since 2001 and also has significant experience installing the system in platforms without a self-protection capability.
Countermeasures Dispenser Testers (CDT) | BAE Systems
The ALE-47 Airborne Countermeasure Dispenser System' delivers aircraft survivability from IR and RF missile attacks, and is the #1 choice across dozens of platforms for every U.S. Department of Defense branch and 30+ countries.
The AN/ALE-47 programmer, located at STA 355.00 in the left side of the cabin, is the central processing unit for the CMDS and provides the interface between the DCDU and the four flare dispensers via two sequencers.
AN/ALE-47 Countermeasures Dispenser System - Federation of …
ALE-47 provides the aircrew with a "smart” countermeasures dispensing system, allowing the aircrew to optimize the countermeasures employed against anti-aircraft threats. The ALE-47 system is an upgraded version of the ALE-40, which is more automatic and is programmable to better enhance its capabilities depending on aircraft mission.
AN/ALE-47 - Guide to Military Equipment and Civil Aviation
The AN/ALE-47 is a countermeasures suite to protect rotary and fixed wing aircraft against missile threats. It is fully reprogrammable, computer-controlled and dispenses electronic and infrared decoys to blind incoming missile's seeker from its intended target.
AN/ALE-47 | Military Wiki | Fandom
The AN/ALE-47 Airborne Countermeasures Dispenser System is used to protect military aircraft from incoming radar and infrared homing missiles. It works by dispensing flares or chaff. It is used on a variety of U.S. Air Force, Navy, and Army aircraft, as well as in other militaries.
Figure 4-1-7. AN/ALE-47 Countermeasures Dispenser System …
AN/ALE-47 Countermeasures Dispenser System (CMDS) 4-1-19. The AN/ALE-47 Programmer. The AN/ALE-47 programmer, located at STA 355 in the left side of the cabin, is the central processing unit for the CMDS and provides the interface between the DCDU and the four flare dispensers via two sequencers.
ANALE47反制洒布器 - 百度百科
AN/ALE-47反制洒布器是美国三军飞机共同使用的诱饵洒布系统,能够施放干扰丝、热焰弹或者是最新的可抛弃主动干扰器。 它同时也是美国推出的第二种可以全自动操作的洒布器。 空军与海军使用的差异仅仅在安装诱饵包的形状上:海军是圆柱状,空军是方形。 AN/ALE-47反制洒布器. 1 发展历史. 2 系统与操作. 3 使用国家. 4 相关条目. 5 外部链接. 6 参考资料. 发展历史. 美国空军 于1983年开始进行新型洒布器的设计工作,然而在国防部的要求下而暂缓,于1986年成为三军 …
Teledevices AN/ALE-47(V) Countermeasures Dispenser System …
The AN/ALE-47(V) Countermeasures Dispenser System (CMDS) is an integrated, threat-adaptive, reprogrammable, computer-controlled airborne defensive system. The AN/ALE-47 dispenses countermeasure decoys (Chaff, Flare and others) against radar and infrared homing threats to enhance aircraft survivability.
AN/ALE-47 - Wikiwand
The AN/ALE-47 Airborne Countermeasures Dispenser System is used to protect military aircraft from incoming radar and infrared homing missiles. It works by dispensing flares or chaff . It is used on a variety of U.S. Air Force , Navy , and Army aircraft, as well as in other militaries.
Symetrics 赢得6700万美元合同,生产 AN/ALE-47 对抗投射系统
2006年11月6日 · AN/ALE-47 CMDS 是一种电子战 (Electronic Warfare) 自我保护系统,在任何环境 下能提高战斗机组人员面对地对空与空对空导弹威胁的存活率。 它可轻松与众多互补系统
ALE-47 Protection System for MH-139A - Helis.com
2020年12月3日 · The ALE-47 Airborne Countermeasure Dispenser System' delivers aircraft survivability from IR and RF missile attacks. ALE-47 has proven its effectiveness in battle and has become the trusted system of choice for aircraft and aircrew survivability.
AN/ALE-47 CMDS (Countermeasures Dispensing System)
The AN/ALE-47 is an upgrade of the ALE-40 countermeasures dispenser. It was intended to replace ALE-39 and ALE-40s on Navy and Air Force aircraft as well as Army M-130 chaff dispensers. Its mission is to protect military aircraft and personnel when operating in a missile threat environment.