Alpha-Methyltryptamine - Drugs-Forum
2011年3月31日 · Alpha-Methyltryptamine (AMT) is a potent stimulant and psychedelic drug of the tryptamine family. As a pharmaceutical drug this compound was sold under the name Indopan in the Soviet Union. The effects typically last 8-12 hours, but in some cases can last 24 hours or longer at higher doses.
AMT (alpha-methyltryptamine) Experiences - Drugs-Forum
2008年1月12日 · Please add your experiences with AMT here. Please add dosage, route and duration to the top of your post like this: Dosage: 20 mg in one glass juice...
Combinations - AMT - Drug interactions | Drugs-Forum
2005年11月2日 · Combinations AMT - Drug interactions Discussion in ' Tryptamines ' started by psychedelaholic, Apr 23, 2010 .
AMT (alpha-methyltryptamine) Drug Info - Drugs-Forum
2006年2月21日 · Please post info about α-methyltryptamine (α-MT, a-MT, AMT) here. Can anyone add information about: names / synonyms molecule dose duration side...
AMT (alpha-methyltryptamine) Drug Info - Drugs-Forum
2007年5月10日 · AMT is the indole analog of amphetamine, which accounts for it's stimulant properties. It has some MAOI properties and was studied for a time as an antidepressant.
Experiences - 5-MeO-AMT experience | Drugs-Forum
2012年7月13日 · my 5 meo amt experience SWIM ordered some from a trustworthy site (i plan on giving the site once i get access to the sources thread). he didnt have mg scale, so he dilluted it in alcohol, then dropped so many drops onto some saran wrap (he did the math so they were 15 mg hits), let the alcohol evaporate, and gave me two hits.
AMT (alpha-methyltryptamine) Drug Info - Drugs-Forum
2010年8月27日 · Re: AMT (alpha-methyltryptamine) AMT is still one of SWIM 's favourite drugs - he had access to rather large amounts of it many years ago but regretably SWIM held back with it and now it is gone. After LSD and cannabis AMT for sure occupies the third place. Especially well liked was the well defined platforms - the psychedelic experience, empathogenic activity, the stimulant free-running in ...
AMT drug testing - Drugs-Forum
2010年8月27日 · Does AMT trigger any false positives on a standard 5 panel urine dip stick test, I will be tested in 1 week and wants to know if its safe to consume and still clear a drug test.
AMT (alpha-methyltryptamine) Drug Info - Drugs-Forum
2011年11月17日 · Mixing a MAOI (AMT) with an herbal of unknown contents (recent ordeals indicate the ingredient lists are to viewed with a good deal of skepticism)...
AMT (alpha-methyltryptamine) Drug Info - Drugs-Forum
2013年12月22日 · Erowid states that the duration of insufflated AMT is around 3-6 hours. As its oral duration can be of a drawback, possibility to reduce it to 5 hours...