AN/PRC-113 - Wikipedia
The AN/PRC-113 is a tactical, short range, manpack, ground to air / air to ground / ground to ground radio used primarily by Forward Air Controller (FAC) teams, Forward Observers (FO) and Marine Air Command and Control agencies.
AN/PRC-113(V)超短波电台 - 百度百科
AN/PRC-113 (V)超短波电台是一种多用途新型甚高频、 超高频无线电台,于 80 年代中期研制成功,90 年代初装备美国海军陆战队。 除陆战队外,美陆军、空军和海军都选用了该型电台。
RT-1319B/URC PRC-113 VHF & UHF AM Radio - PRC68.com
2009年5月6日 · This manpack RT has been replaced (2009) by the newer hand held radios that cover everything between 2 and 512 MHz. This RT can be used with the AM-7176 for for a VRC-83. A pair of VRC-83 radios for aircraft AM communications (one for VHF and one for UHF) are used in the GRC-206 (PRC-104, MT-6250)
AN/PRC-113 | Military Wiki | Fandom
The AN/PRC-113, NSN 5820-01-291-5416, is a tactical, short range, manpack, ground to air / air to ground / ground to ground radio used primarily by Forward Air Controller (FAC) teams, Forward Observers (FO) and Marine Air Command and Control agencies.
AN/PRC-113 - 华文百科
AN/PRC 113无线电组是由Magnavox America生产的Manpack,Portable VHF和UHF AM战斗无线电收发器。 在联合电子类型名称系统(JETDS)中,AN/PRC转化为“陆军/海军,便携式,无线电,通信。
AN/PRC-113 - Wikiwand
The AN/PRC-113 is a tactical, short range, manpack, ground to air / air to ground / ground to ground radio used primarily by Forward Air Controller (FAC) teams, Forward Observers (FO) and Marine Air Command and Control agencies.
AN/PRC-113(V)超短波电台基本数据 - 百度知道
2024年8月30日 · AN/PRC-113 (V)超短波电台的基本数据涵盖了工作频率、波道数、波道间隔以及功率输出和重量等关键信息。 在工作频率方面,此款电台在VHF(甚高频)和UHF(超高频)两个频段内运行,具体范围为116~149.975兆赫和225~399.975兆赫,确保了广泛的应用范围。
U.S Military Radio AN/PRC-113 (FM/AM特別版)电台
2014年11月18日 · 感到很有幸,因为继之前哪台正式的 AN/PRC-113 之后,它就只有 AM,表示留下了个很顶瘾的遗憾,当时就一直好想要个有 FM/AM 可以切换的特殊版,没想到,终于可以玩上了,各种开心和满足,不解释呢~~ 目前还有什麽想法?
AN/PRC-113 - tpub.com
AN/PRC-113 The AN/PRC-l13 is a two-band (vhf and uhf) amplitude modulated transmitter -receiver, which operates at 116.0 through 149.975 MHz in the vhf band and 225.0 through 399.975 Mhz in the uhf band.
哈罗CQ火腿社区 - 设备 - RT-1319 (AN PRC-113) 入手,研究中
2012年3月6日 · 既然大家都麼喜歡軍用設備,我也上載一張自己拍的高清低水印膠片牆紙,大家分享,尺寸是 1920x1080dpi ,由於論壇限制,壓縮後上載到附件,歡迎下載。 pa的片子,美 …
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