AOA - 짧은 치마 (Miniskirt) [English Translation] - Genius
2014年1月16日 · AOA - 짧은 치마 (Miniskirt) [English Translation] Lyrics: Hey, hey, hey / AOA / Hey, hey, hey / Brave Sound, drop it / The way you look at me (Hey) / It's not the same as before (Not the same ...
AOA - 짧은 치마 (Miniskirt) (Romanized) - Genius
2014年1月16日 · AOA - 짧은 치마 (Miniskirt) (Romanized) Lyrics: Hey, hey, hey / AOA / Hey, hey, hey / Brave Sound, drop it / Nal baraboneun siseoni (Hey) / Neoneun yejeon gatjiga aneun geol (Aneun geol) / Nan ...
Miniskirt (song) - Wikipedia
"Miniskirt" (Korean: 짧은 치마; RR: Jjalbeun Chima) is a song by South Korean girl group AOA, serving as the lead single for the group's fifth single album of the same name.
《短裙》是AOA演唱的一首歌曲,由勇敢的兄弟、Chakun填词,勇敢的兄弟、코끼리왕국、Chakun谱曲,收录在专辑《短裙(Mini Skirt)》中。 《短裙》是 AOA 第五张单曲专辑的主打曲目。 这首歌让AOA知名度得到巨大提高,同时让人们认识到AOA不同的一面。 凭借该曲获得出道后首个音乐节目周榜一位。 AOA 的“短裙”并没有就此停步,之后于2014年10月1日,该曲的日语版《ミニスカート》发售,作为首张日语专辑正式在日本出道。 实在是让人移不开眼睛吧? ( …
AOA – 짧은 치마 (Miniskirt) Lyrics - Genius
넌 나만 무시해 (넌 왜, 넌 왜?) AOA released their fifth single album “Miniskirt” on January 16, 2014. They were armed with deeper sensual beauty following their fourth single “Red Motion”, which featured...
AOA - Mini Skirt (짧은 치마) [Eng/Rom/Han] Picture + Color …
2015年8月19日 · Artist: AOASingle: Mini Skirt (짧은 치마)-Request-Clarissa Cheow-Credits-Korean: music.daumRom: colorcodedlyricsEng: popgasaColor Code: colorcodedlyrics-Color Co...
AOA – Mini Skirt (짧은 치마) - color coded lyrics
2014年1月16日 · When I wear a miniskirt And walk on the street, everyone looks at me I’m wearing a miniskirt But why are you the only one who doesn’t know? I’m a confident girl, but why are you making me struggle? You only ignore me, I don’t know where I’ll bounce off to. I make time to get my nails done and change my hair
AOA - Mini skirt 4k60 - YouTube
AOA mini skirt in 4k 60fps
4K超清版!AOA - 短裙 (Miniskirt) MV - 知乎
2023年3月19日 · AOA经典之作,不得不看的高清女团 ... 焕新. 知乎知学堂; 等你来答; . 切换模式. 登录/注册. 0. 天阔云舒 . 关注. 4K超清版!AOA - 短裙 (Miniskirt) MV. AOA经典之作,不得不看的高清女团 ...
AOA Miniskirt_点赞数397_收藏数425-音乐视频-免费在线观看-爱 …
AOA - Miniskirt看点介绍 天使团AOA第五张单曲《短裙》MV公开咯! 歌曲延续了上一张单曲《动摇》的性感风格,妹纸们一身短裙惊艳登场,大秀性感长腿,美~~