Maton AP 5 Pro System
Das Maton AP5 Pro System bietet höchste Flexibilität, herausragende Klangqualität und eine intuitive Bedienung – entwickelt für Musiker, die live und im Studio keine Kompromisse machen wollen. 👉 Jetzt bestellen und deine Maton mit dem besten Tonabnehmersystem ausstatten!
The AP5 PRO Pickup System - Maton
Clarity and fidelity of studio-quality sound in a live setting with Maton's AP5 Pro pickup system. Effortlessly adjust volume, tone, and EQ settings, empowering you to fine-tune your acoustic sound. Covering from 600Hz to 2400Hz ensuring your …
Maton AP5-Pro Acoustic Guitar Pickup System - Blue Bus Music
Highly selective cardioid microphone system allows for much greater microphone level before feedback in live environments. This newly upgraded microphone is direct mounted to the preamp casing via an adjustable arm, which permits easy final tweaking of microphone position to suit the individual artists style.
Maton AP5 Pro Complete Pickup System - Reverb
AP5 Pro Features and Benefits • Individual Microphone and Piezo Volume Controls lead to a Master Volume Control. Create your perfect blend and control the overall volume level without effecting the blend. • Specially developed Cardioid Microphone direct …
Maton Ap5 pro acoustic pickup system - Reverb
The AP5-Pro has recently superseded the APMIc and is considered by many to be one of the finest acoustic pick ups on the market today. Pulled from a functional Martin dreadnought. The Tommy Emanuel pickup system! Reverb has your back if your item is lost, damaged, or doesn't match its description.
Maton AP5PRO Acoustic Guitar Pickup and Pre-Amp System
The AP5 pro is guitarists favorite amplifying system for acoustic guitar. It is very realistic and usable at higher levels onstage. The AP5 has been held in the highest regard for over a decade by players all over the world.
The Best Pickup I have Played - Maton AP5-Pro - Acoustic Guitar Forum
2018年3月14日 · I keep talking about the fantastic pickup system in the new Maton acoustics - the Maton AP5-Pro with piezo undersaddle and condenser mic with preamp in the side of the guitar. Here is my solo version of "Brain Damage" by Pink Floyd with the guitar plugged straight to my mixer and iMac, no other preamps or gadgets, no eq change, no reverb.
Maton Guitars AP5 PRO Demo - YouTube
The AP5 has been held in the highest regard for over a decade by players all over the world. It was with this in mind that Maton began development of its suc...
The entire AP5 PRO system has been designed with easy maintenance in mind. All connectors are gold-plated RJ11 (telephone type) click-in connectors, from the pickup right through to the output jack. If any replacement parts are required, they can be easily fitted without needing special tools, and the
AP5-PROユーザーガイド - Maton Guitars Japan
2013年のリリース以降、メイトンが世界に躍進するキッカケにもなったプリアンプ・システム”AP5-PRO”。 簡単操作でリアルなアコースティック・サウンドを出力可能にした同システムですが、操作が簡単なだけに「音作りに悩む・・・」というご相談もよく頂きます。 今回は具体的な操作方法、音作りのヒントを交えてご紹介します。 単一指向性コンデンサーマイクの出力レベルの設定です。 プリアンプ本体にダイレクト・マウントされており、お好みの角度に変える …