钢管API5L PSL1和API51 PSL2区别 - 百度知道
钢管API5L PSL1和API51 PSL2区别: 1、PSL是产品规范水平的简称。 管线管的产品规范水平分为PSL1和PSL2,也可以说质量等级分为PSL1和PSL2。 PSL2高于PSL1,这2个规范水平不仅仅是检验要求不同,而且化学成分、力学性能要求也不同,所以按API 5L订货时,合同中的条款除注明规格、钢级等通常的指标外,还必须注明产品规范水平,即PSL1还是PSL2。 PSL2在化学成分、拉伸性能、冲击功、无损检测等指标上均严于PSL1。 2、PSL1不要求做冲击性能,PSL2 …
API 5L pipe specifications | American Piping Products
ANSI / API 5L specifies the manufacture of two product levels (PSL1 and PSL2) of seamless and welded steel pipe for the use of a pipeline in the transportation of petroleum and natural gas. For material use in a sour service application, refer to Annex H; for offshore service application, refer to Annex J of API 5L 45th Edition.
What is the Difference Between PSL1 And PSL2 Pipes?
PLS1 pipes are available in grades A25 through X70, whereas PSL2 pipes are available in Grade B through X80. PSL1 pipes are available in sizes 0.405” to 80”, whereas the smallest diameter pipe available in PSL2 is 4.5” and the largest diameter is 80”.
PSL 2 pipe - API 5L GR B PSL2, API 5L X60 PSL2, API 5L X65 PSL2, API …
For intermediate grades higher than Grade L555 or X80, the maximum permissible tensile strength shall be obtained by interpolation. For SI units, the calculated value shall be rounded to the nearest 5 MPa. For USC units, the calculated value shall be rounded to the nearest 100 psi. b For grades >L625 or X90, R p0,2 applies.
API 5L X52 Pipe Specification (PSL1 & PSL2) - Octal Steel
API 5L X52 pipe also called L360 Pipe, X52 (L360) named by minimum yield strength 52 Ksi (360 Mpa). It’s a medium grade in API 5L and ISO 3183 specifications, used for oil and gas pipeline transmissions.
Differences between API 5L PSL1 and PSL2 steel pipes
2024年11月14日 · API 5L pipe (seamless pipe and welded pipe) has PSL1 and PSL2 product specifications, which are different in chemical composition, manufacturing process, mechanical strength, heat treatment, test records, traceability, etc.The pipeline in API 5L PSL2 is higher than PSL1One. PSL is the abbreviation of product standard grade.
PSL1和PSL2是什么意思,有什么区别? - 百度知道
3、PSL2高于PSL1,这2个规范水平不仅仅是检验要求不同,而且化学成分、 力学性能 要求也不同,所以按API 5L订货时,合同中的条款除注明规格、钢级等通常的指标外,还必须注明产品规范水平,即PSL1还是PSL2。
管线钢管产品规范水平差异与对照(PSL1 vs PSL2) - 道客巴巴
2020年7月27日 · PSL1 级品与PSL2 级品区别一览表 API 5L管线钢管简介API 5L PSL1与PSL2标准的区别 API8C (PSL1和PSL2)en版 API8C-2012(PSL1和PSL2) (中文) API SPEC 8C中文版 钻井和修井设备钻井和采油提升设备规范(PSL1 和PSL2) 高强度管线钢管的标准与规范的开发 高强度管线钢管的标准与规范 ...
API 5L X60 Pipe Specifications (PSL1 & PSL2) - Octal Steel
API 5L X60 is a common high grade pipe material in API 5L specifciations for oil and gas transmissions. It’s also called L415 pipe, which named by yield strength minimum in 415 Mpa (60,200 psi). It covers manufacturing types in seamless (hot rolled and colde rolled), and welded in ERW, LSAW, SSAW (HSAW).
API 5L 中的 PSL2 是什么意思? - 钢材知识问答系统│常州仁成金 …
2024年8月22日 · 根据 API 5L 标准的定义,PSL2 是制造用于输送石油、天然气和其他流体的钢管的特定规范级别。 此规范级别旨在确保管道满足比基准 PSL1 级别更高的质量和性能标准。 了解 PSL2 的要求和特性对于为不同应用选择合适的管道、确保碳氢化合物和其他流体的安全可靠运输至关重要。 API 5L PSL2对钢管的制造和测试提出了几项关键要求和特性。 这些包括: 1. 化学成分:PSL2 规定对管道生产中使用的钢材的化学成分进行更严格的控制,以确保一致的机械性 …