ELDEW® APS-307 - Prospector by UL
ELDEW® APS-307 is an efficacious emollient derived from beta Alanine and plant phytosterols. It is a light, waxy emollient. It has excellent moisturizing skin feel without stickiness or greasiness. It can serve as a stabalizing and sensory improving component of lipsticks or liquid foundation.
Grooves Accelerate Dew Shedding | Phys. Rev. Lett.
2019年3月8日 · We report that submillimetric grooves substantially reduce dew retention by modifying the repartition of liquid: Because of a long-range coalescence mechanism mediated by grooves imbibition, the growth and shedding of large drops are accelerated.
Executive Summary and Major Conclusions - AIP Publishing
The American Physical Society (APS) convened this Study Group to evaluate the status of the science and technology of directed energy weapons (DEW). The evaluation focuses on a variety of lasers and energetic particle beam technologies for their potential applications to the defense against a ballistic missile attack.
a multimission directed energy weapon (DEW) system which can function as an effective component in a Strategic Defense System. The NPB has the capability to be used as both a and discriminator platform. It can kill missiles and reentry vehicles in the boost, post-boost, and mid-course portion of
Physics - <i>Video</i>—A Groovy Way to Harvest Dew
2019年3月8日 · Dew condensing on an inclined, grooved surface rapidly forms large drops that roll quickly to the bottom for collection. Grooves make a splash. Large drops form on a tilted, grooved surface. (See video below.) Collecting dew could provide people with clean, fresh water in areas where it is scarce.
Finding Aid to the Records of the American Physical Society, …
The Directed Energy Weapons (DEW) Study was commissioned by the American Physical Society (APS) on November 20, 1983 to evaluate the status of the science and technology of DEW. A study group was formed by November 1984 with the goal of creating an unclassified report for the APS's membership and others with an interest in DEW.
Report to The American Physical Society of the study group on …
Rev. Mod. Phys. 59, S1 (1987)
American Physical Society. American Physical Society Directed …
American Physical Society Directed Energy Weapons (DEW) study records, 1983-1988. This collection contains materials about the Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI), the APS's DEW Study, and the APS's Source Term Study.
Chapter 7: Physics and Military Research | Online Ethics
President Reagan’s announcement of the Strategic Defense Initiative and the ensuing public debate led the American Physical Society to form a study group for investigating the status of and future prospects for technology associated with directed …
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