The Agricultural Production Systems sIMulator (APSIM) is internationally recognised as a highly advanced platform for modelling and simulation of agricultural systems. It contains a suite of modules that enable the simulation of systems for a diverse range of plant, animal, soil, climate and management interactions.
How do I download APSIM?
If you use or develop APSIM and publish and make publicly available data and/or results, then you can choose the General Use Licence when you apply to download the model. Please note there are two versions of APSIM. APSIM Classic (last release version was 7.10) and the newer APSIM Next Generation.
What is APSIM? – APSIM
The A gricultural P roduction S ystems s IM ulator (APSIM) is a comprehensive model developed to simulate biophysical processes in agricultural systems, particularly as it relates to the economic and ecological outcomes of management practices in the face of climate risk.
Downloads for APSIM 7.10
Instructions for Submitting Improvements to APSIM for Review by the APSIM Initiative Reference Panel can be found here. It can be useful to notify the APSIM Initiative that you are planning …
APSIM Training Manuals
If you are new to APSIM Next Gen, start with these documents. They will teach you the basic skills required to construct a simulation and how to work with the results, including graphing.
What is APSoil? – APSIM
uncover your soil’s physical and chemical characteristics, including acidity (pH), soil carbon, available water storage, salinity and erodibility get soil information to put into the farm …
Introduction to Apsim UI
Welcome to the first training module for the Agricultural Production Systems Simulator (APSIM). This first module will introduce you to the Apsim User Interface (Apsim UI) and take you through the process of building, running and graphing a simulation.
APSIM next generation
For these reasons, the APSIM Initiative has begun developing a next generation of APSIM (dubbed APSIM next generation) that is a completely new application with no legacy code and designed to run across different platforms.
SurfaceOM – APSIM
It is possible to trace the addition and decomposition of phosphorus through surface residues in conjunction with the APSIM SoilP module. The user is required to provide an extra parameter …
Where do I go to seek help? – APSIM
The APSIM Initiative provides a range of Support and Training Resources.