2020年12月18日 · we are the official apwu puerto rico area local 1070 union facebook page. our goal is to always keep members of this union informed about current issues and to answer any …
Officer Contact Directory - American Postal Workers Union
Click here to find who your local or state president is. 11407 West 87th Terrace, Overland Park, Kansas 66214. APWU represents more than 200,000 USPS employees and retirees, and …
American Postal Workers, Local 1070 - Puerto Rico Area Local
2023年6月12日 · Contained in those reports are breakdowns of each union's spending, income and other financial information. The Office of Labor-Management Standards (OLMS) requires …
Puerto Rico Area Local Members Rally to Demand Safe Workplace
On August 27, Puerto Rico Area Local members staged a rally at the General Post Office in San Juan, Puerto Rico, demanding that management address the post office’s unacceptable …
President Dimondstein and Northeast Region Coordinator Dirzius …
President Mark Dimondstein and Northeast Region Coordinator John H. Dirzius recently visited Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands to talk with APWU members affected by Hurricanes Maria …
APWUPR 1070 - Linktree
APWU Puerto Rico Area Local 1070 . SAN JUAN INSTALLATION PRELIMINARY SENIORITY LIST. NEW BASE SALARY. LMOU 2021-2024. PUB 552 APWU. Cookie preferences ...
American Postal Workers Union Puerto Rico Area Local 1070
American Postal Workers Union Puerto Rico Area Local 1070 is located in San Juan, Puerto Rico. American Postal Workers Union Puerto Rico Area Local 1070 is working in Trade unions …
APWU, Puerto Rico Area, Local 1070 (United States Postal Service)
2005年9月29日 · APWU, Puerto Rico Area, Local 1070 (United States Postal Service) E-File Follow. Sign into MyNLRB to follow cases and receive updates. What is this? ... San Juan, PR …
American Postal Workers Union | San Juan, PR | Cause IQ
American Postal Workers Union contributes to labor collective bargain agreement negotiations and represents members, educates officials on labor issues, and di...
Puerto Rico Governor Resigns Following Massive Protests
2019年8月1日 · On Tuesday, July 23 an estimated 500,000 people filled the streets of Puerto Rico’s capital San Juan, demanding the immediate resignation of Governor Ricardo Rosselló. …