AQS Tor – landets tøffeste servicebåt – er et ett-skrogs servicefartøy på 24 meter egnet for mange typer oppdrag. Fartøyet er utstyrt med hekkrull med hydrauliske tauepinner og haikjeft, levert for SHM-solution. Godkjent for slep. Ekstrautstyr ROV: Hydrolek manipulator og rock drill tool. Laser. Hydraulisk kutter. Dykk til 3000 m, bor til 1000m.
VESSEL REVIEW | AQS Tor – Heavy duty fish farm support boat …
2021年9月1日 · Norwegian aquaculture workboat operator AQS has acquired a new fish farm support vessel built by Moen Marin at its facilities in Norway and Croatia. Designed by Marin Design, the all-steel AQS Tor has an LOA of 23.98 metres, a beam of 11.2 metres, and a moulded depth of 4.2 metres.
AQS TOR, Cargo ship - Details and current position - VesselFinder
The vessel AQS TOR (MMSI 258013510) is a Cargo ship and currently sailing under the flag of Norway. Below you can find more technical information, photos, AIS data and last 5 port calls of AQS TOR detected by AIS.
暗网使用教程:Tor 洋葱浏览器如何保护隐私 科学上网
2024年12月16日 · 暗网是隐藏 IP 地址的加密网络上的一组网站的统称,所有这些都为用户提供了强大的匿名保护。 当然,暗网是被有意隐藏的,它的使用也有特定门槛,并非任何人都可以直接接触,这是一片需要特殊软件或配置才能访问的网络地带。 访问暗网需要用到特定的工具,如 Tor 浏览器或 I2P(隐形互联网项目),这些工具能够提供用户的匿名性和隐私保护,如 Tor 浏览器或 I2P(隐形互联网项目)。 比起表层网络中的搜索工具,Tor 浏览器能够提供给用户更多的匿 …
Aqua Nor 2021: Baptism of the vessel AQS Tor - YouTube
From Aqua Nor Digital 2021: The baptism of the special vessel, AQS Tor www.aquanor.no www.facebook.com/aquanorexhibition www.instagram.com/aqua_nor...more.
AQS TOR – Utility Vessel, IMO 9896957, Flag Norway
The vessel AQS TOR (IMO: 9896957, MMSI 258013510) is a Utility Vessel built in 2021 (4 years old) and currently sailing under the flag of Norway. The current position of AQS TOR is at coordinates 59.7123 N / 5.37579 E, reported a day ago by AIS. The vessel is en route to the port of Bergen and expected to arrive there on Mar 21, 12 AM.
AQS Tor fullastet og klar for et nytt fortøyningsoppdrag
Akkurat nå er AQS Tor i Flatanger for kurs i fibersveising. Tekniske inspektør og kvalitetsleder er også ombord for en grundig internrevisjon, samtidig som Folla Maritime Service lukker noen tekniske avvik🕵🏼♀️🪛
Ship AQS TOR (Cargo) Registered in Norway - MarineTraffic
Discover the vessel's particulars, including capacity, machinery, photos and ownership. Get the details of the current Voyage of AQS TOR including Position, Port Calls, Destination, ETA and Distance travelled - IMO 0, MMSI 258013510, Call sign LGCY.
The towing of the €6.6m workboat “AQS Tor” has started
2021年4月7日 · The “AQS Tor” was torn off the deck of the Dutch cargo ship “Eemslift Hendrika” in severe weather in the North Sea Tuesday. Shipowner AQS will send its own boat, «AQS Njord», south to Florø to tow «AQS Tor» north to Kolvereid.
AQS Tor har klart seg overraskende bra
AQS Tor har fått noen skader etter å ha falt av frakteskipet Eemslift Hendrika i stormen i Norskehavet, men alt i alt ser det ut til at den har klart påkjenningene. – Det ser overraskende bra ut, med tanke på hva den stakkars grønne båten har vært igjennom, sier påtroppende skipper Svenn Magnus Steffensen i AQS.