Drought of 1930–1931 - Encyclopedia of Arkansas
2022年9月21日 · Arkansas’s worst drought of the twentieth century took place in 1930–1931. Twenty-three states across the Mississippi and Ohio river valleys and into the mid-Atlantic region were caught in its grip. The severest drought centered upon eight Southern states, with Arkansas sixteen percent worse than the other states based on weather statistics.
1931 – Wikipedia
1931 (MCMXXXI) var ett normalår som började en torsdag i den gregorianska kalendern. 8 januari – Den svenske författaren Hjalmar Bergman jordfästs efter att ha avlidit, 47 år gammal [1]. 12 januari – 34 000 textilarbetare i Sverige strejkar i två månader då arbetsgivarna sänkt lönerna med minst 10 % [2].
Ådalshändelserna – Wikipedia
Ådalshändelserna, Skotten i Ådalen, Ådalen (19)31, kallas händelseförloppet kring en arbetskonflikt i Ådalen i mitten av maj 1931, där fem personer sköts ihjäl av militär som stod under polismans befäl.
The forgotten rebellion - Arkansas Times
2006年1月20日 · But for those who read the newspapers across America in the days after Jan. 3, 1931, it was hard to miss the drama. “500 Farmers Storm Arkansas Town Demanding Food for Their Children,” read the...
48th Arkansas General Assembly - Wikipedia
The Forty-Eighth Arkansas General Assembly was the legislative body of the state of Arkansas in 1931 and 1932. In this General Assembly, the Arkansas Senate and Arkansas House of Representatives were both controlled by the Democrats. In the Senate, all 35 senators were Democrats, and in the House, 99 representatives were Democrats, with one ...
New Deal - Encyclopedia of Arkansas
2024年7月16日 · Arkansas also suffered as it alternated between both drought and floods—the Flood of 1927, followed by the Drought of 1930–1931 and the Flood of 1937. Banks failed, wiping out savings and ready cash. Many Arkansans lost their land, being forced to become tenant farmers. Others could not even subsist that way.
Consequently, Arkansans lacked the resources to confront the crisis and an outside national agency, the American Red Cross, was called in to assist the victims. Because of the racism and violence inherent in the plantation system, any relief agency would encounter hurdles in …
Celebrating 200 years: 1931 - The Arkansas Democrat-Gazette
On Jan. 4, 1931, in the seventh month of a devastating drought, the front page of the Arkansas Gazette reported on an incident at England in Lonoke County. Three hundred men, mostly white, had...
Great Depression - FranaWiki - University of Central Arkansas
2010年4月10日 · The Great Depression in central Arkansas began with a drought in the summer of 1930 that extended into the spring of 1931. The situation got so desperate by August 1930 that unemployed Lonoke -area farmers shot at members of a black road construction gang.
Ådalshändelserna 1931 | Året runt | Historia - SO-rummet
2019年2月12日 · Den 14 maj 1931 drog ett stort demonstrationståg fram genom Ådalen. Demonstranterna markerade på detta sätt sitt avståndstagande från de strejkbrytare som saboterade arbetarnas aktioner för bättre villkor. Utkommenderad militär öppnade eld mot demonstranterna och fyra av dem dödades och fem sårades.