2020年8月3日 · FC/ARNG Reg 55-1: Transportation and Travel: Unit Movement Planning Major Revision:
Explanation of abbreviations and terms • 1–3, page 1 Responsibilities • 1–4, page 1 *This regulation supersedes AR 600–55, 26 September 1986, and DA Pam 611–125, 11 March 1965.
AE Reg 55-1 28 Feb 18 Clarifies the differences between requesting a diplomatic clearance, a march credit, and a personnel-travel clearance (paras . 7, 13b, 14, 15, and 16). Provides guidance...
Army in Europe Regulations
AE REG 55-1: United States Military Motor Vehicle Operations on European Public Roads
AE Reg 55-1 24 May 05 e. Unit commanders and convoy commanders in charge of vehicle movements requiring a movement credit are responsible for— (1) Ensuring movement bids for convoys, oversize...
Ensure military units use DD Form 1265, Figure F-2, and/or DD Form 1266, Figure F-1, to provide oversize/overweight and convoy movement requirements data in a timely manner to military transportation authorities (i.e., TO/MO, DMC, or Motor Transport Officer).
Army in Europe Regulation 55-1, 24 June 2011 - JKO LCMS
AE Regulation 55-4 requires all vehicles and trailers that transport hazard class 1 (ammunition (except for 1.4S)) and hazard class 3 (fuel) to be inspected annually by an ADR-trained inspector from a 21st TSC maintenance activity.
2019年9月26日 · 2 USARC Pamphlet 55-1 Chapter 1 Administrative 1-1. Purpose This handbook provides the UMO and other interested parties with a step by step guide to performing the duties of the UMO and...
Army in Europe Regulations - United States Army
AE REG 55-1: United States Military Motor Vehicle Operations on European Public Roads
FB Reg 55-1 (30 Jun 00) 3 SECTION I. MOVEMENTS BRANCH 1. PURPOSE. To establish procedures and provide guidance in support of unit/group moves, shipment of freight/unit equipment and...