高危出血风险学术研究联盟(The Academic Research Consortium for High Bleeding Risk,ARC-HBR)是由研究团体、监管机构和医生科学家组成的学术组织,专注于PCI相关出血的防控研究。 ARC-HRB专家共识将高危出血风险(High Bleeding Risk,HBR)定义为1年出血学术研究联合会(Bleeding Academic Research Consortium,BARC)定义的3级或5级出血风险≥4%,或1年颅内出血(intracerebral hemorrhage,ICH)风险≥1%(表2)。
Defining High Bleeding Risk in Patients Undergoing Percutaneous ...
2019年5月22日 · The proposed ARC-HBR consensus document represents the first pragmatic approach to a consistent definition of high bleeding risk in clinical trials evaluating the safety and effectiveness of devices and drug regimens for patients …
ARC-HBR Criteria Can Identify HBR in East Asian Patients:
The American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association guidelines recommend that patients with HBR (Class IIb) discontinue P2Y 12 inhibitors after PCI at 3 months for stable ischemic heart disease and at 6 months for acute coronary syndrome (ACS). 1 However, how best to determine the HBR is still ill-defined, and early DAPT discontinuatio...
Defining High Bleeding Risk in PCI Patients - American College …
2019年6月7日 · The current publication by the BARC group identifies the ARC-HBR to more consistently identify the patient at HBR. The 20 clinical variables described have been associated with higher bleeding risk and are defined as major and …
High bleeding risk - Academic Research Consortium
Validation of the Academic Research Consortium for High Bleeding Risk (ARC-HBR) criteria in patients undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention and comparison with contemporary bleeding risk scores.
韩雅玲:ARC-HBR——PCI围术期高出血风险人群识别及比伐芦定 …
2019年9月11日 · ARC-HBR指出:当前临床缺乏对PCI患者高出血风险(HBR)患者标准化定义,对于试验设计、数据解读和临床决策也带来了困扰,制定统一的标准,方便临床医生设计研究、早期识别和管理、优化治疗至关重要。
ARC HBR – High Bleeding Risk evaluator | CERC Europe
As a member of the Academic Research Consortium, CERC developed a specific mobile application to identify High Bleeding Risk patients : The ARC-HBR evaluator is modelled on a consensus definition of High Bleeding Risk (HBR) for patients who are candidates for treatment with a coronary stent.
Validation of the Academic Research Consortium for High
In patients with AF and ACS or undergoing PCI receiving both OAC and APT, the ARC-HBR score was a significant predictor of 1-year bleeding and ischemic endpoints. The ARC-HBR score performed better than the HAS-BLED score and the PRECISE-DAPT score in BARC type 3 or 5 bleeding prediction.
2019 ARC-HBR 经皮冠状动脉介入治疗患者的高出血风险定义专家 …
ARC-HBR 的次要标 准定义为符合下列条件:出血风险增加,1 年 BARC 3 型或 5 型出血风险 <4%。 共识以 BARC 3 型或 5 型出血发生率 4% 作为 HBR 的分界值,其原因是基于现有的大多数 PCI 术 后 DAPT 研究,在排除了 HBR 的患者后,其 1 年 主要出血率 <3%。
Validation of the Academic Research Consortium for High ... - PubMed
2020年8月28日 · Aims: The Academic Research Consortium for High Bleeding Risk (ARC-HBR) defined consensus-based criteria for patients at high bleeding risk (HBR) undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI). We aimed to validate the ARC-HBR criteria for the bleeding outcomes using a large cohort of patients undergoing PCI.