AN/ARC-220 HF Airborne Communication System - Collins …
That’s why Collins Aerospace designed the AN/ARC-220 HF airborne communications system. It provides embedded Automatic Link Establishment (ALE), serial tone data modem, text messaging and GPS position reporting functions. The ARC-220 was designed specifically for rotary-wing applications, enabling pilots to keep their eyes out of the cockpit.
support of AN/ARC-220 equipped aircraft. Receives and translates aircraft position reports automatically and interfaces with military Common Operating Picture networks for complete battlefield situational awareness. Features: Heavy-duty transportable case with available vehicle mount, single side-band, analog
AN/ARC-220 - RadioNerds
2016年2月15日 · The AN/ARC-220(V)1 consists of three line replaceable units; a Receiver-Transmitter (RT), a Power Amplifier Coupler (PAC), and Control Display Unit (CDU). The AN/ARC-220(V)2 is for bussed (1553) aircraft and consists of just the RT and PAC.
ARC-220 Data Sheet - studylib.net
With the ARC-220 designed specifically for rotary wing applications it allows the pilot to keep his eyes out of the cockpit. Our ARC-220 is fielded on all U.S. Army Blackhawk, Chinook and Apache helicopters and has identical capabilities to the VRC-100 which is fielded by the U.S. Army at Aviation Tactical Operation Centers.
AN/ARC-220 High Frequency Nap-of-the Earth Communications …
AN/ARC-220 High Frequency Nap-of-the Earth Communications (HF NOE COMM) The HF NOE COMM System is the product of a modified, non-developmental item (NDI) acquisition strategy. The aircraft radio will provide in excess of 0-300 km NLOS communications when SINCGARS, HAVEQUICK, and other LOS radios will not communicate over the required distance.
AN/ARC-200 nap-of-Earth HF communications systems and helicopter ...
1997年7月10日 · This paper discusses the considerations necessary for a properly developed network infrastructure for maximum ARC-220 mission performance. This paper also describes the HF propagation characteristics and antenna considerations encountered in typical NVIS missions using the ARC-220, especially in nap-of-earth (very close to ground) flight ...
AN/ARC-220 NOE HF - GlobalSecurity.org
2011年7月7日 · AN/ARC-220 NOE HF. The AN/ARC-220 radio system provides both secure (when configured with appropriate cryptographic equipment) and non-secure voice and digital data communications.
to Rockwell, the ARC-220 permits 65 percent of the mission-critical tasks to be performed in one “heads-up, eyes-off” operation. With interoperability a major concern, the ARC-220’s capability to interface with virtually all ancillary equipment is an important asset. It can efficiently tune
1999年5月14日 · AN/ARC-220 Nap-of-the-Earth Aircraft Communication System (AN/ARC 220) is a multifunctional, high frequency radio whose lightweight compact construction, low power consumption, and...
3-2-21. HF Radio Set (AN/ARC-220) - tpub.com
The HF radio set (AN/ARC-220) provides communica-tions in a 28 MHz high frequency band between 2.0 and 29.9999 MHz. Channels are spaced at 100-Hz incre-ments, giving 280,00 possible frequencies. Preset chan-nels can be manually programmed or preprogrammed as part of the communications mission load information.