ARINC 629 - Wikipedia
The ARINC 629 computer bus was introduced in May 1995 and is used on aircraft such as the Boeing 777, Airbus A330 and Airbus A340 [1][2] as well as the Airbus A320 series. [3] The ARINC 629 bus operates as a multiple-source, multiple-sink system; each terminal can transmit data to, and receive data from, every other terminal on the data bus.
ARINC629航空数据总线 - 百度百科
ARINC629航空数据总线主要采用了 2种总线技术,即军用飞机上使用的 1553B总线和民用飞机上使用的 ARINC429总线。 在航空机载数据总线技术领域主要采用了 2种总线技术,即军用飞机上使用的 1553B总线和民用飞机上使用的 ARINC429总线. 1 概述目前,,但这 2种总线都存在不同程度 …
ARINC 629 Digital Data Bus Specifications - Logic Fruit Technologies
2025年2月12日 · ARINC 629 protocol is a time-based, collision-avoidance protocol in which a fixed time slot is allotted to each terminal to access the bus and transfer data to the bus. By using multiple control timers embedded in the bus interfaces, each terminal will autonomously determine when the appropriate time slot is available and transmit the necessary ...
Evolution of ARINC 629: From Conception to Implementation
2024年5月17日 · Developed to overcome the limitations of ARINC 429, ARINC 629 offers higher data transfer rates, multicast capabilities, and improved fault tolerance, making it vital for modern aircraft. The development journey of ARINC 629, driven by the need for more sophisticated and data-intensive avionics systems, involved extensive research, prototyping ...
ARINC 629 数据总线 - 百度百科
arinc 629 标准规定了两种互不兼容的协议——基本型协议bp和联合型协议cp。 它们都具有两种数据传输方式,即广播方式和直接方式。 直接方式是点到点传输,有明确的发送终端和接收终端。
Exploring the Technical Specifications of ARINC 629 Protocol
2024年5月17日 · ARINC 629 represents a significant advancement in aviation communication protocols, offering a decentralized, reliable, and efficient means of data transmission. Its robust error handling, real-time capabilities, and flexible architecture make it an essential component in the avionics industry.
ARINC 629 was introduced in May 1995 and is currently used on the Boeing 777, Airbus A330 and A340 aircraft. The ARINC 629 bus is a true data bus in that the bus operates as a multiple-source, multiple sink system as shown in Figure 2. That is, each terminal can transmit data to, and receive data from, every other
ARINC629航空数据总线研究 - 豆丁网
ARINC629协议规范中规定了基本协议模式BP (BasicProtocol)和混合协议模式CP (CombinedProto-col)两种互不兼容的协议模式。 在BP模式下,系统中的每一个终端都以对等的优先级及存取机会进行周期. 和非周期数据的传输。 这种协议模式巳通过了一系列的实验室试验及飞行试验技术上巳经成熟。 它实际上就是波音公司1985年开始研究的DATAC总线协议。 而CP则是BP的改进它能将周期及非周期消息通过一定的安排联合运行,不过CP还处于开发阶段。 基于此,本文只通过 …
ARINC 629 digital communication system - ScienceDirect
1997年4月1日 · In June of this year, the ARINC 629 digital communication system began supporting revenue service as the primary means of digital communication on the 777, Boeing's first fly-by-wire aircraft. This achievement comes as a result of almost two decades of development effort at Boeing and its suppliers.
ARINC629总线在飞机机电系统中的应用 - 百度文库
ARINC629总线作为 ARINC429总线的迭代产品,兼具ARINC429总线与1553B总线的优点并避弃其缺点,无论是实际运用到飞机的研制生产当中亦或是作为总 线技术的研究对象,都能极大地提升航空机电系统的发展。 齐江江1 刘立彬1 李永鹏1 李懿杨2 1 空军装备部驻西安地区第一军事代表室 陕西 西安 710089 2 中航西安飞机工业集团股份有限公司 陕西 西安 710089 摘要:随着我国经济水平的不断发展以及航空事业的不断进步,飞机上使用的设备日趋复杂,功能也逐渐集成化,目 …