ARINC - Wikipedia
ARINC 404 defines Air Transport Rack (ATR) form factors for avionics equipment installed in many types of aircraft. It defines air transport equipment cases and racking. [9] ARINC 424 is an international standard file format for aircraft navigation data. ARINC 429 is the most widely used data bus standard for aviation.
Air Transport Rack (ATR) - Rugged | Hartmann Electronic
The Air Transportation Rack (ATR) is the de-facto standard form factor for aircraft board electronic equipment since more than 50 years. The two ARINC drawings SK-141-10 and the SK-141-17 with detailed critical dimensions and tolerances for the initial 3 basic form factors, via the ½, 1 and 1 ½ ATR became the basis for ARINC 404A as it is ...
What’s An ATR Box? – Churchill Corporation
Aeronautical Radio, Incorporated, or ARINC, is a non-profit organization that sets standards for the avionics industry. In the early 1930’s, ARINC issued a standard (referred to as ARINC 404) that specified the form, fit and function of “black box” enclosures and their racking within aircraft.
ATR机箱 - 百度百科
ATR机箱标准已为世界各国所接受,我国也已有相应的标准。1977年7月AEEC出版的ARINC 600规范《运输机航空电子设备接口(Air Transport Avionics Equipment Interfaces)》确定了MCU机箱标准,它是ATR 机箱的进一步发展,1个ATR宽度等于8个MCU宽度,其余类推。
ATR Enclosures - Elma Electronic
Elma Air Transport Rack (ATR) enclosures offer a standardized, cost effective solution for VME, VME64x, CompactPCI, VXS, VPX and Small Form Factor (SFF) based applications. The products are available in 1/4, 1/2, 3/4, 1 and 1 1/2 ATR tall long formats, compliant to ARINC 404A and ARINC 600 specifications. The modular d
ARINC 标准全解析:航空电子领域多系列标准的核心内容、应用与 …
2024年12月5日 · 作为ARINC 700系列规定的航空电子设备参考标准,涵盖了航空电子设备包装、测试、数据加载、传输协议、维护系统等多个方面的内容。主要描述安装在运输类飞机上的航空电子设备的形式、相容性和功能。_arinc
ATR is a standard that specifi es form fi t and function of a “black box” installed in the aircraft. This standard also known as ARINC and was designated as ARINC 404 standard. ARINC 404 specifi es mechanical dimensions of Line Replaceable Units (or LRU’s) and their racking systems in different locations in the aircraft.
CB-Series ARINC 404A Enclosure | Churchill Corporation
1/4 thru 1 ATR (per ARINC 404A) Lightweight aluminum construction (5052 H32) Ventilated design for convection cooling; Removable top cover (Dzus fastner) for equipment mounting; Integrated front panel with fixed handles and mounting hooks; Suitable for airborne electronics, high tolerance product; Removable front and rear panels for easy access
Churchill Corporation – The Best Case Scenario for ARINC …
What’s An ATR Box? Our library of Solid CAD models and an enormous selection of tooling allows us to create your perfect custom enclosure. Check out some custom products in our gallery. We have the ability to take your project from the initial design stage to a finished product without ever having to leave our modern facility.
对流和传导冷却 ATR(空气传输机架)机柜为基于 PCI、VME、VME64x、VXS、cPCI 和 VPX 的应用提供标准化、经济高效的解决方案。 根据 ARINC 404A、ARINC 600 和 IEEE 1101.10 规范,提供 1/2、3/4、1 和 1 1/2 ATR 高长或高短格式. 通常,ATR 由冲压成型的铝板和铣削板或钎焊铝制成。 可拆卸的前面板允许 I/O 定制以满足确切的应用要求并增加可配置性。 ATR 外壳使用静电灰尘过滤器、蜂窝 EMI 过滤器和狭窄的螺钉间距来密封每个外部接缝,以确保符合 MIL …