产品目录 |SMC(中国)有限公司
・节能 空气消耗量减少80%(与本公司产品相比)。 ・重复操作性±1%F.S.以内(or±3kPa以内)。 ・带逆流功能(ARP20K・30K・40K)。 可安装于电磁阀和气缸之间。
ARP20/30/40, Direct Operated Precision Regulator - smcusa.com
The ARP is a modular style, direct operated precision regulator. A locking adjustment knob allows the pressure to be set, and then locked to prevent accidental setting changes. The ARP20/30/40 series is available with a back flow function that exhausts the air pressure in the outlet side reliably and quickly.
Regulator (ARP30-02BG) - MISUMI USA
Shop Regulator - Precision, Direct-Operated, Modular Type, ARP20/30/40 Series from SMC (ARP30-02BG). MISUMI USA has all of your Regulators & Boosters needs covered, with over 3.8M high quality products and 80 sextillion configurable parts available with …
直動精密減圧弁のシリーズ化(arp20・30・40)!! 機種拡大 直動精密減圧弁として、設定圧力とボディ サイズそれぞれ3タイプを用意。 回路設計時の自由度が増えました。 型式 arp20(k) ― ― arp30(k) ― ― arp40( ) ― 接続口径設定0.2mpa 0.4mpa
型番 : ARP30-02 直動精密レギュレータ ARP20~ARP40 逆流機能 …
arpは直動式で、1枚のダイヤフラムと調圧スプリングで圧力調整します。 irとir-aはパイロット式で、2枚~3枚のダイヤフラムと調圧スプリングで圧力調整します。 ir-aは、シリンダと電磁弁との間でも使用可能です。arpは逆流機能付が選択可能です。
- 评论数: 5
Arp 30 (Gary Imm) - AstroBin
This object, also known as NGC 6365, is a pair of spiral galaxies located 380 million light years away in the constellation of Draco at a declination of +62 degrees. The upper bluish galaxy is edge-on and the lower yellowish galaxy is face-on.
ARP 协议 - 菜鸟教程
ARP(Address Resolution Protocol,地址解析协议)是一种用于将网络层地址(如 IP 地址)解析为数据链路层地址(如 MAC 地址)的协议。 ARP 在局域网(LAN)中广泛使用,帮助设备在通信时确定目标设备的物理地址。 ARP 的核心功能是通过广播请求和单播响应,将 IP 地址解析为 MAC 地址。 1. ARP 请求. 当设备需要与目标设备通信时,如果不知道目标设备的 MAC 地址,它会发送一个 ARP 请求广播包,询问"谁拥有这个 IP 地址? "。 发送方广播 ARP 请求包,询问 …
Series ARP20/30/40 Direct Operated Precision Regulator AF AFM ARP AF AFM ARP Expanded lineup 3 types of set pressure and the body size allow more freedom in designing a circuit. Sensitivity: Within 0.2 % F.S. Energy saving, Air consumption: 80 % reduction (SMC comparison) Reduced to 0.8 l/min from 4 to 6 l/min in the existing product (ARP3000).
A leading manufacturer of pneumatic control devices that use compressed air as a power source for automation. We support automation in a variety of industries. We provide technology to various fields such as automobiles, IT, and medicine.
SMC ARP30-F03-Y precision regulator, REGULATOR, PRECISION
The ARP is a modular style, direct operated precision regulator. A locking adjustment knob allows the pressure to be set, and then locked to prevent accidental setting changes. The ARP20/30/40 series is available with a back flow function that exhausts the air pressure in the outlet side reliably and quickly.