?? Is a special socket needed for removal of ARP head bolts
2004年8月6日 · Used a 13mm 12-point deep socket. For 7-bolts: When reinstalling, lube up the threads, washers and nuts with a moly lube or ARP fastener lubricant, and install again with a 13mm 12-point deep socket using the shortest extension possible with a torque wrench in the proper installation pattern (manual).
ARP Supra Flywheel bolts - Cut Shorter for 4G63 | DSMtuners.com
2010年5月27日 · The problem: ARP does not make flywheel bolts specifically for DSM's so we have use the kit for a Toyota Supra. The Supra ARP bolts are too long to use with a stock thickness 4G63 flywheel. The good thing is there are 8 bolts in this kit so you get extra. There are 2 things you can do to circumvent this: 1. Cut the ARP bolts shorter (what I did ...
1G - ARP 2000 Rod bolt torque? | DSMtuners.com
2015年5月18日 · The general torque value for the 3/8 1.500" or 1.600" UHL ARP 2000 bolt with ARP lube is 55 ft-lbs. But if you are using the stretch method, each bolt may have a different torque value to get the same target stretch.
ARP head studs & Re-torqueing after heat cycles (what spec do …
2007年11月5日 · I asked ARP tech support on how to properly re-torque the head studs/nuts. The key is to loose a nut about 45degs and torque it back to spec. Re-torque one nut at the time (follow the pattern documented in the service manual). I do not think there is any need to remove nuts to apply ARP moly on threads of the studs/nuts/washer.
ARP flywheel bolts | DSMtuners.com
2004年10月14日 · I have ordered a fidanza flywheel for my car and while at it I also ordered flywheel bolts for it. Unfortunately they are longer than DSM stock ones so I'm wondering if it's a smart idea to use them. The bolts are these ones: You must be registered to see element.
ARP Head bolts | DSMtuners.com
2007年1月20日 · ARP headstuds are reusable. I have had my head off more than 5 times over the past 7 years and still using the same studs with no issues what so ever. The only headbolts that are not reusable are torque-to-yield bolts. ARP bolts will eventually over stretch with repeated tightening and need to be replaced but since this is only your first removal, you will be fine. …
Are ARP flywheel bolts worth it? | DSMtuners.com
2023年7月30日 · I sell 99% OEM flywheel bolts and 1% ARP flywheel bolts, for single, twin and triple disk applications. Loctite Red (Loctite 273), 35/70/100ft/lb star pattern torque spec. Just have the correct length bolts for your application and components.
Rod bolt torque help, ARP 2000 bolts on eagle look a like rods?
2012年6月10日 · I have H beam rods that look almost identical to an eagle rod, they have ARP 2000 bolts on them. One of them spun a bearing and I bought a single eagle rod to replace it, I will use eagle's rod bolt torque spec for that one (43 ft lbs) however they claim that they use custom ARP bolts and not to...
FYI: Reusing ARP Head Studs | DSMtuners.com
2006年7月12日 · Many of you may already know this but for those who are unsure I contacted ARP yesterday regarding how you can determine whether or not it is safe to reuse the head studs. I had a phone conversation with on of the tech support guys who told me that unlike the rod bolts (which you can measure to...
after arp rod bolts install less than .002 clearance.
2008年4月17日 · Is it fine that I have less than .002 clearance after install arp rod bolts? Everywhere else the clearance is between .002 and .003 because of the polish job. The rod clearances are clearly .015, I think that is the measure about .002.