The impressive Advanced Research Vehicle (ARV) hovercraft …
The impressive Advanced Research Vehicle (ARV) hovercraft diagrammed by aerospace illustrator, Mark McCandlish, which he calls the "Fluxliner", is powered by pulsed electrokinetics as the...
Speculations on the Electrogravitic Propulsion System of the Flux …
The capacitor section in the ARV merely achieves a steering effect for the device which has already been “mass-cancelled” by the mercury vapour turbine in the middle (compare “The Nazi Bell”). The electrogravitics system only assists in the overall system. Mark pointed this out in multiple presentations, as we’ll as podcasts.
Flux Liner 01 - ARVP
Here is an excellent in-depth documentary detailing the story of the Fluxliner by the YouTube channel UAP GERB. In this detailed talk, Bob Greenyer goes deep into the tech surrounding the Fluxliner and adds to the conversation around the research and story of the power systems.
APEC: 11/21, Part #1: Mark McCandlish - Time For Disclosure
2021年5月29日 · Mark McCandlish delivers a detailed technical description of the Alien Reproduction Vehicle (ARV), also called the Fluxliner. This technical discussion includes details of the components & materials used and how those components function together to produce an antigravity propulsion effect in the Alien Reproduction Vehicle design.
Zero Point The Story of Mark McCandlish and the Fluxliner 720p
Detailed information on the history, physics and technological mechanisms regarding faster-than-light travel, antigravity, and zero-point energy is also covered in detail. … Military-aeronautical...
APEC 11/21: UFO Reverse-Engineering & Inertial Propulsion
2025年2月24日 · Mark McCandlish delivers a detailed technical description of the Alien Reproduction Vehicle (ARV), also called the Fluxliner, and also offers comparisons to eyewitness testimony of craft described by alien abductees.
SPACE WARP PROPULSION-PART 2 Alien Reproduction Vehicle …
2022年10月3日 · The Alien Reproduction Vehicle the alien reproduction vehicle (ARV) or "flux liner" operates based on the latest revelations by Mark McCandlish. McCandlish, who is a professional, aerospace illustrator, has spent the last three decades developing a detailed engineering drawing of the ARV, which his friend Brad Sorensen saw demonstrated in 1988.
The UFO Flux Liner Tragedy - Medium
2023年12月24日 · It was a blow up of his highly detailed illustration of what he said was an “ARV” — an “ Alien Reproduction Vehicle ” — dubbed “ The Flux Liner.” It included cutaway views that showed the inner...
自治缆控水下机器人(ARV)是一种针对极端环境或特殊使命的新型多用途水下机器人,其同时具备自治水下机器人(AUV)和缆控水下机器人(ROV)各项技术优势[1-2]。 ARV工作在复杂的海洋环境中,高可靠性的抛载技术对其应急自救和无动力升沉具有至关重要的作用。 因ARV携带的动力能源有限,故通过设置下潜、连续和上浮压载,消耗极少的能源即可使其下潜至目标深度及上浮至水面。 针对全海深ARV,其载体和抛载装置还需承受海底11 000 m 处的外部海水压力(约115 MPa)。 在无 …
1993年3月23日 · A.R.V. A term used to describe craft that have been built by reverse engineering of extraterrestrial craft, or utilising elements from retrieved craft. ARV’s such as the Fluxliner may be one of several craft built by the Industrial corporations based in the USA. These are rumoured to include Skunkworks, Raytheon & Northrop Grummond among others.