Xonar U5|Sound Cards|ASUS USA
Xonar U5 is a compact 5.1-channel USB sound card designed to provide PC gamers with high quality audio for games, music and movies. It follows in the footsteps of the award-winning Xonar U7 – providing you with strong and clear sound via headphones, and producing more impactful and detailed audio than onboard hardware.
Xonar U7 MKII|Sound Cards|ASUS Global
With convenient USB connectivity, Xonar U7 MKII gives you instantly upgraded sound quality without the need to open your PC case to install an internal sound card. Its USB design also eliminates the need for a separate power supply, so just connect one cable and start listening.
【外设堂——评测室】华硕 Xonar U7 USB 7.1声卡评测-音频设备
2015年10月21日 · Asus Xonar U7 USB 7.1声卡在现在来说并不算新品,因为作为大佬级别存在的“老虎卡”已经占据声卡领域半壁江山,然而“老虎卡”却是属于内置卡,相比较而言对于使用笔记本或者经常跑去网吧的用户而言移动声卡却成为了首选,那么本文就将带来这样一款移动版 ...
Amazon.com: ASUS Xonar U7 MKII - Carte Son - 24 bits - 192 kHz …
Buy ASUS Xonar U7 MKII - Carte Son - 24 bits - 192 kHz - 114 dB Rapport Signal à Bruit - 7.1 - USB 2.0 - CM6632AX: Internal Sound Cards - Amazon.com FREE DELIVERY possible on eligible purchases
Xonar U5||ASUS 中国 - 华硕商城
Xonar U5不需要独立电源,可通过 USB 连接电脑直接使用,也无须开启电脑机箱安装。 Xonar U5搭载 Sonic Studio 软件套件,从环绕、重低音强化、均衡器、通话清晰处理等音频设定 (EQ) 到 5.1 扬声器音量平衡等音频设定,由您掌控。 Sonic Studio 采用单独的导航界面让您一览功能,并设计即点即用的音频默认模式,帮助您预先设定适合游戏、音乐聆听、电影等各种情境使用的音频。 藉由Perfect Voice语音技术体验出色的输入噪音消除!
ASUS Xonar U3 Sound Cards (XONAR_U3/UAD/B/A),Black
2011年6月6日 · The ASUS Xonar U3 upgrades your audio via USB for crisp and clear sound in music, movies, games, and VOIP.
[開箱] ASUS XONAR U3 USB外接音效卡 輕量化攜帶方便 - Mobile01
2011年6月29日 · 華碩音效卡XONAR算是這幾年打出很不錯的成績,其中又以U系列為USB外接音效卡,這次新出的U3主打攜帶性為主,採用塑膠外殼輕量化,並且也含有AMPLIFIER耳擴功能,價格上面也算是滿親民的,廢話不多說就讓我們來看看這款如何吧。
Amazon.com: ASUS Sound Card Xonar U5 : Electronics
Xonar U5 is a compact 5.1-channel USB sound card designed to provide PC gamers with high quality audio for games, music and movies. It follows in the footsteps of the award-winning Xonar U7 - providing you with strong and clear sound via headphones, and producing more impactful and detailed audio than onboard hardware.
ASUS Xonar U7 USB SoundCard Review - diyAudio
2015年1月27日 · Today we are reviewing ASUS Xonar U7, a 7.1 USB Soundcard and Headphone Amplifier. With Xonar U7 Asus is providing an audiophile-grade 7.1. sound system with premium connectivity for your Notebook or PC. Xonar U7 comes in a very attractive looking black cardboard box that does well to show off the product. The front of the box has all the stuff.
Xonar U5|Sound Cards|ASUS Global
Xonar U5 is a compact 5.1-channel USB sound card designed to provide PC gamers with high quality audio for games, music and movies. It follows in the footsteps of the award-winning Xonar U7 – providing you with strong and clear sound via headphones, and producing more impactful and detailed audio than onboard hardware.