ATAS-120a mount - WorldwideDX Radio Forum
2009年10月8日 · The ATAS-120A preforms best in free space above the roof line...The whole antenna above the roof line. Mine preformed the best mounted on the tool box with an extended bracket lifting the entire antenna above the roof of the cab...
ATAS 120 in the attic - WorldwideDX Radio Forum
2010年1月10日 · The other glitch in my plan of using two AB Switches one to switch from the LDG-100 Tuner and ATAS-120 and the other AB Switch switching from a Solarcon A99 outside and 10-80 trapped dipole in the attic too. Bouncing back and forth to the tuner and the ATAS-120 is a smooth transition since setting keep having to be changed.
Yaesu FT-891 and ATAS-120A in a Hybrid! - WorldwideDX Radio …
2011年11月22日 · Hi folks, I finally got around to installing the FT-891 and ATAS 120A in a 2015 Toyota Camry Hybrid. Everything on the internet says this is a waste of time, that Hybrids have way too much electronics and generate a ton of RFI. I decided to do it anyway to see for myself. (Honestly, plan B...
Yaesu ATAS 120 Review - WorldwideDX Radio Forum
2001年3月22日 · I owned the ATAS 120 for about 2 months and after less than 1 month the antenna stopped tuning during a rainy day. I took a can of compressed air and was able to dry it out. After it was dried, it tuned fine. Next rain, same thing, stopped tuning! Dried it out again and started thinking, this...
yaesu ft-891 and ATAS 120A | WorldwideDX Radio Forum
2012年11月2日 · Got the new mobile rig installed tonight, yaesu ft-891 and ATAS 120A antenna. I used the BreedLove 2" UHF puck mount, and some LMR-240. everything seems to be working fine, tried 20m as soon as I got it powered up, hit the tune button the atas started moving and found a nice low swr and made 2...
ATAS 120 Mount Options Need Input - WorldwideDX Radio Forum
2009年6月17日 · I want to mount an ATAS 120A on my front bumper. Either on top or on the vertical side surface. I'm looking at a Breedlove and an OPEK mount, but wondering if something else is out there. The bumper has appx. 1/4" plate. I can access the backside easily...
ATAS 120 in the attic | Page 2 | WorldwideDX Radio Forum
2010年1月10日 · Update on the attic ATAS 120, this last weekend was a pretty good test and I was pleasantly surprised. Saturday afternoon and evening netted contacts in all four corners of the US and DX as far down as Argentina. These were mainly on 20m and some on 40. The antenna tunes on all bands after a...
Atas-120a good or not - WorldwideDX Radio Forum
2002年4月14日 · I had an Atas-120, used it with my Ft-100D, it worked well for about 5 years, no issues (that is in Canadian winters with lots of salt on the road and crap). I just recently switch to a Icom IC-7000 and use a Little Tarheel II, and I have to say the Little Tarheel II kicks the Atas's butt. It will also do 80m's which the Atas won't.
yaesu 857d and atas120 as a home station. - WorldwideDX Radio …
2009年8月31日 · My 857 and atas 120 did reside as my car setup but now i want to bring it into my static carvan. The questions are these, will the atas cover all the bands, and who well will it perform as a base station antenna?
yaesu ft-891 and ATAS 120A - WorldwideDX Radio Forum
2008年5月9日 · I am also losing the ability to control the ATAS-120 at times. Usually happens after radio has been off for a day, or I have removed and re-installed the antenna.