Yaesu ATAS MICRO Manually Tuned Portable Antennas ATAS-25 …
Yaesu ATAS MICRO Manually Tuned Portable Antennas, model ATAS-25 is designed to for use with portable radios in the field. It can be mounted on a standard camera tripod 1/4 in. stud. It is manually tuned by sliding a shorting ring on the loading coil up or down and by selecting the correct number of top sections.
- 评论数: 6
Reviews For: Yaesu ATAS-25 Portable Antenna - eHam.net
The ATAS-25 is a manually-tuned portable antenna system ideal for the FT-817, FT-897, and FT-857 transceivers. Capable of operating on the Amateur bands between 7 MHz and 450 MHz, the ATAS-25 is designed for mounting on a standard 1/4" camera tripod stud (tripod not supplied), and includes an innovative fine-tuning system allowing precise SWR ...
ATAS-25! The ATAS-25 utilizes a manual tuning system which resonates the radiating element for lowest SWR without the need for expen-sive, inconvenient mono-band resonating whip assemblies. The ATAS-25 allows dual-frequency operation (on HF or 50 MHz and either 144 or 430 MHz), if two transceivers are combined via a suitable diplexer (not ...
YAESU, ATAS-25, Antenna HF Mobile Multi Band, ATAS25 - Ham Radio Outlet
The Yaesu ATAS-25 is just the ticket for temporary FT-817ND, FT-891 or FT-991A Field Operations. It covers these amateur bands: 7, 14, 21, 28, 50, 144 and 430 MHz. The bands are covered by manually changing the supplied elements and hand adjusting the coils.
Yaesu ATAS-25 - GigaParts
Yaesu ATAS-25 Portable Antenna System for 40M-70CM (View ATAS-25 Documentation) The ATAS-25 utilizes a manual tuning system which resonates the radiating element for lowest SWR without the need for expensive, inconvenient mono-band resonating whip assemblies. The ATAS-25 allows dual-frequency operation (on HF or 50 MHz and either 144 or 430 MHz ...
ATAS-25 | アマチュア無線【八重洲無線】 - connect.yaesu.com
atas-25はベースの部分にカメラ用の三脚に固定できるネジ穴(u1/4ネジ)があり、これを使って固定できます。 写真にあるように、足が横に広がるタイプを使用したほうが安定する上、地上高が高くならないのでSWR値を考えてもこのほうが安心です。
YAESU ATAS-25中文说明书 - 道客巴巴
不需要昂贵的、组装繁琐的单边带谐振单元, ATAS-25 通过手动调谐发射单元即可获得 最低的 SWR。 如果两部电台通过合适的双工器 (需另购)连接的话, ATAS-25 允许双频操作 (HF 或 50MHz 频段与 144 或 430MHz)。 ATAS-25 可直接安装到一个标准的相机三脚架 (需另购)上; 参考图一。 安装 1 .把 ATAS-25 主杆安装到三脚架上 2 .参考 图 2 及其他说明,按照操作波段的要求装配好发射单元,并安装到主杆顶部 操作波段 7 MHz 1... 主动天调系统 ATAS-25 安装/操作 …
ATAS-25 AAC82X001 自动调谐天线-Yaesu八重洲中国官网-八重洲 …
您现在的位置:Yaesu八重洲中国官网-八重洲电子设备科技(上海)有限公司 > 产品展示 > ATAS-25 AAC82X001 自动调谐天线
Yaesu ATAS-25 - Hamshop
The ATAS-25 is a manually-tuned portable antenna system ideal for the FT-817, FT-897, and FT-857 transceivers. Capable of operating on the Amateur bands between 7 MHz and 450 MHz, the ATAS-25 is designed for mounting on a standard 1/4" camera tripod stud (tripod not supplied), and includes an innovative fine-tuning system allowing precise SWR ...
哈罗CQ火腿社区 - 天线和铁塔 - ATAS-25中文说明 - Powered by …
2025年3月8日 · 看到有HAM需要中文的,刚好无聊,就拿英文的作为对照翻译了一下,有需要的可以下载作为参考。 具体操作还请以原文的指导为主,因翻译的歧义导致意外损失还请自行承担。 因为手边没有这个天线,无法深入理解,翻译有不当之处,敬请指出。 有此天线,又希望共同研究的,可携天线与我联系。 感谢分享! 通联记录全部发送EQSL电子卡片,并进行EQSL、LOTW(ARRL)、CLUBLOG数据上传认证。 膜拜大神,真是及时雨啊,这几天疯了一样找 …