侧孢芽孢杆菌_美国ATCC_ATCC菌种类_微生物菌种查询网-ATCC, …
平台编号:bio-75108 国际编号:ATCC 64 拉丁属名: Brevibacillus laterosporus 规格:freeze-dried 用途:ATCC原装进口 服务费用及说明书:WebIM,网页接待
Species: Brevibacillus laterosporus - LPSN
Type strain: ATCC 4517; ATCC 64; ATCC 8248; BCRC 10607; CCM 2116; CCRC 10607; CCUG 7421; CFBP 4222; CIP 52.83; DSM 25; HAMBI 1882; IAM 12465; IFO 15654; JCM 2496; LMG ...
Brevibacillus laterosporus DSM 25 | Strains | MediaDive
Synonyms: AMC 797, ATCC 4517, ATCC 64, ATCC 8248, BCRC 10607, CCM 2116, CCUG 7421, CECT 15, CGMCC 1.3097, CIP 52.83, DSM 25, IAM 12465, IFO 15654, JCM 2496, KCTC 3313 ...
Brevibacillus laterosporus AMNH 797, Ford 29, 797, 314 | Type …
Strain history: CIP <- 1952, R.E. Gordon, New Jersey Agri. Exper. Stat., New Brunswick, USA: strain 314 <- 1936, ATCC <- Army Med. School, Washington USA <- AMNH, New York, USA: strain 797 <- W.W. Ford <- C.A. Laubach. Brevibacillus laterosporus AMNH 797 is an aerobe, mesophilic bacterium of the family Paenibacillaceae.
Reovirus 3 - VR-824 | ATCC
For best results, infection should be performed on a 80-90% confluent, 18-48 hour old cellular monolayer. Prepare dilution of virus in minimum amount of volume (e.g. 1 mL per 25 cm 2). Wash monolayer with PBS or serum free medium prior to inoculation.
Enterovirus E - VR-248 | ATCC
For living cultures, ATCC lists the media formulation and reagents that have been found to be effective for the product. While other unspecified media and reagents may also produce satisfactory results, a change in the ATCC and/or depositor-recommended protocols may affect the recovery, growth, and/or function of the product.
ATCC: The Global Bioresource Center | ATCC
ATCC (American Type Culture Collection) is a nonprofit, global biological resource center and standards organization and the leading developer and supplier of authenticated cells lines and microorganisms.
ATCC824丙酮丁醇梭菌Clostridium acetobutylicum标准菌株菌种购 …
ATCC 824标准菌株价格2500元,ATCC824菌种抗性无抗,ATCC824是Clostridium acetobutylicum ,丙酮丁醇梭菌,用于药物敏感性测试,药物研究。 ATCC 824菌株的购买价格、培养基、培养条件、菌种特征等具体信息见下文!
Brevibacillus laterosporus _MZ菌株_宁波明舟生物科技有限公司,细胞,菌株 ,ATCC…
1、长期保存的储存菌株以冷冻干燥保藏为主,特殊要求的菌种可用其它方法进行保存,保存期可长达几年至几十年。 2、半储存菌株以含20%甘油的肉汤或液体石腊封存的半固体琼脂为主, …
NCTC 14028肠沙门氏菌亚种_研究动态_微生物菌种查询网-ATCC, …
2022年12月7日 · 萎缩芽胞杆菌9372染菌滑石粉 人肺癌细胞(高转) 金黄色葡萄球菌 枯草芽孢杆菌 nissle 1917 9372染菌石英粉 大肠埃希氏菌 金黄色葡萄球菌 血平皿(9cm) 铜绿假单胞菌 PG8 莱氏无胆甾原体 大肠埃希氏菌O157:H7 ATH 1.1.14 红色毛癣菌 氨苄西林药敏纸片 别名:氨苄青霉素 7.5%氯化钠肉汤 煌绿乳糖胆盐肉汤 ...
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