Best Enchants- All the Mods 8 : r/allthemods - Reddit
2023年1月8日 · After not finding ANY posts about what the best enchants might be for all the Mods 8, I painstakingly went through the Enchants and found them all (or at least most).
Beginner tips for ATM8 noob? : r/allthemods - Reddit
2023年3月11日 · Get ATM gear asap. Saves a ton of time and materials in repairing tools/armor, and the armor is pretty OP. You can put affixes on it with apotheosis reforging station. General progression is netherite -> ATM ore (in the deep dark) -> make 2 ATM teleport pad (gives you ATM ingot) -> Put one in overworld to go to the ATM mining dimension, one in nether for The Other. The dungeons in The Other ...
ATM 8 - Apotheosis Gems : r/allthemods - Reddit
2023年8月10日 · Here are my notes that I made as I graduated from normal Netherite gear into Apotheosis gear in ATM8. I hope this helps someone. Apotheosis blocks to make your gear Salvaging Table - Breaks unwanted Apotheosis gear down into dust and armor parts Reforging Table - Lets you add sockets to items and get new Apotheosis bonuses when combined with salvaged components. Gem Cutting Table - Used to ...
ATM8 - Guide / Walkthrough : r/allthemods - Reddit
2022年10月26日 · ATM8 - Guide / Walkthrough Hey Everybody, I know its hard to put it all together, but to get at least an overview on where to go while playing/starting ATM8.
What would be the best enchanting table setup for the best stats?
2023年1月4日 · In ATM 8 u can fill in the corners of the enchanting table and still get the effect so u can still reach the enchanting table without having any stats not maxed
Finding unobtainium - ATM8 : r/allthemods - Reddit
2023年5月11日 · Is there a good way to find Unobtainium? I’ve seen a video about it spawining near end cities, I dug a hole under 5 different ones, but only managed to find 1 node and that only containes 4 pieces of it.
ATM8 - Enchanting Help? : r/allthemods - Reddit
2023年5月17日 · r/allthemods Current search is within r/allthemods Remove r/allthemods filter and expand search to all of Reddit
All the mods 8 - Slimes : r/allthemods - Reddit
2022年10月19日 · I am running into the issue of needing a ton of slimes for sticky pistons. What is the best way to collect slime?
How to find a stronghold/end portal? (ATM 8) : r/allthemods
2023年4月25日 · Hey all, I am not sure if finding an end portal is supposed to be this difficult but I have used like 30 eyes of ender to find a stronghold and I…
Any good seed for atm8? : r/allthemods - Reddit
this is a god seed, that i use for my hardcore play through. hardcore in atm 8 is very hard. apotheosis bosses F u upp. iron hard to get early, needs mine. caves are the best and fastest but also dangerous. if the cave have a large area it spawns mobs like crazy and apo bosses also comes and F u upp.