ATR42飞机 - 百度百科
ATR42飞机是 法国 航宇公司和 意大利 阿莱尼亚公司联合研制的双发涡桨式支线运输机。 ATR是法文和意大利文“区域运输机”的略语,42是基本型客机的载客数。 1980年,法、意的两公司达成协议,决定共同研制一种中、小型支线客机。 1982年2月5日正式建立经济利益集团 (GIE),总部设在法国图卢兹。 ATR模型在 图卢兹 最终组装,并与空客共享资源和技术。 ATR42飞机是将来较大ATR 72飞机的基础。 [1] ATR42飞机最初制造了两架试飞 原型机 和两架静力与疲劳 试验机 体 …
ATR 42 - Wikipedia
The ATR 42 is a regional airliner produced by Franco-Italian manufacturer ATR, with final assembly in Toulouse, France. On 4 November 1981, the aircraft was launched with ATR, as a joint venture between French Aérospatiale (now part of …
ATR 42 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書 - zh.wikipedia.org
ATR於2019年6月19日舉行的巴黎航展上宣布開發42-600S,這是短距起降(STOL)版本,可以在不減少機組人員數量的情況下在800 m跑道上起降,原預計2022年下半年獲得型號合格證。 由於新型冠狀病毒的影響,開發進度重新調整。 重新安排後預定於2023年首飛。 啟動客戶為大溪地航空。 另外三家公司也下了訂單:Elix Aviation(一家租賃公司)和一位未公開的客戶。 2022年5月11日,一架原型機(代碼:F-WWLY,序號:811)進行了約2小時15分鐘的首飛,並預 …
ATR 42-600 Aircraft | ATR Aircraft
Introducing the ATR 42-600, the ideal route opener. Recognised for its lowest cost per trip in the category, the ATR 42-600 connects and serves remote communities and islands seamlessly, with a proven track record in opening, developing and sustaining operations with its smaller capacity and impressive cost efficiency.
ATR 42 The ATR 42 and 72 are based on a four-abreast fuselage with a high-mounted wing, and are powered by two turboprop engines. Their basic take-off thrust rating is 1,800-2,475 shaft horse power (SHP), depending on aircraft variant (see table, page 5). All ATR 42 variants have a cargo door and compartment at the forward
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ATR 42-600
ATR 42-600 The ideal local commuter ATR, THE LEADER IN REGIONAL AVIATION The most modern 50-seater aircraft Unbeatable economics 1,600+ Aircraft delivered 200 Operators 100 Countries 1,300+ Airports served 150+ New routes opened annually OUTSTANDING COMFORT Up to 50 seats with comfortable living space, full-standing aisle and large overhead ...
ATR ATR-42 - Airliners.net
The ATR-42-500 is the first significantly improved version of the aircraft and features a revised interior, more powerful PW-127Es for a substantially increased cruising speed (565km/h/305kt) driving six blade propellers, a 1850km (1000nm) maximum range, the EFIS cockpit, elevators and rudders of the stretched ATR-72 (described separately ...
Atr Atr-42 · Aeropedia The Encyclopedia of Aircraft David C. Eyre
2019年5月8日 · The ATR ATR-42 was one of a generation of commuter airlines designed to meet commuter airline requirements and incorporated the latest technology in the field in the design of the aircraft and the engine. It began as a collaborative programme between Aerospatiale of France and Aeritalia of Italy, with final assembly in France.
ATR 42 - SmartCockpit - Airline training guides, Aviation, …
The ATR 42 is a twin-turboprop, short-haul regional airliner built in France and Italy by ATR (Aerei da Trasporto Regionale or Avions de transport régional). The name “42” comes from the aircraft’s standard seating, which varies from 40 to 52.
ATR, Avions de Transport Regional ATR 42 - Specifications
The ATR 42 is a twin-engined turboprop-powered regional airliner with a capacity of maximum 50 passengers produced by the French/Italian manufacturer ATR, Avions de Transport Regional, a joint-venture of the Airbus Group and Finmeccanica (former Alenia Aeronautica).
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