Amphetamine type stimulant - Wikipedia
Amphetamine type stimulants (ATS) are a group of synthetic drugs that are chemical derivatives of the parent compound alpha-methylphenethylamine, also known as amphetamine. Common …
Amphetamine-type stimulants (ATS) - NPS Info
2021年4月18日 · Amphetamine-type stimulants (ATS) refer to a group of drugs, mostly synthetic in origin, whose principal members include amphetamine, methamphetamine and MDMA …
Amphetamine-type Stimulants: Novel Insights into their Actions …
This review focuses on the effects and mechanisms of action of amphetamine-type stimulants (ATS) and their adverse effects on the cardiovascular, nervous, and immune systems. ATS …
ATS: second most commonly abused drug type worldwide
13 September 2011 - According to the latest report published by UNODC, amphetamine-type stimulants (ATS) such as "ecstasy" and methamphetamine now rank as the world's second …
There are signs that the market for amphetamine-type stimulants (ATS) is expanding: seizures and consumption levels are increasing, manufacture seems to be spreading and new markets …
Amphetamine-type stimulants (ATS) drug classification using
Amphetamine-type stimulants (ATS) drug analysis and identification are challenging and critical nowadays with the emergence production of new synthetic ATS drugs with sophisticated …
The present booklet provides an extended analysis of the global synthetic drugs market, including of amphetamine-type stimulants (ATS) such as amphetamine, methamphetamine and …
Full article: Exploring pathways into and out of amphetamine type ...
2020年2月14日 · Amphetamine type stimulants (ATS), such as amphetamine, methamphetamine, and 3,4-Methylenedioxy methamphetamine (MDMA), are the second most commonly used …
Use Trajectories of Amphetamine-type Stimulants (ATS) in …
According to the UNODC, ATS drugs have become the world’s second most widely abused drug type after cannabis (UNODC, 2011). During the last decade, heroin and cocaine use attracted …
Chapter 8B - Amphetamine-type Stimulants: An Overview
The World Health Organization (WHO) defines amphetamine-type stimulants (ATS) as a group of drugs whose principal members include amphetamine and methamphetamine. A range of …