auctex - How to preview LaTeX in Emacs? - TeX - TeX - LaTeX …
2012年10月27日 · It wasn't clear to me that LaTeX software (e.g., MiKTex) was supposed to be installed for AUCTeX preview to work. In Windows, I installed AUCTeX within Emacs with Melpa, then MiKTeX, then reopened my .tex file and everything worked smoothly, asking confirmation for a few additional packages required in the .tex file code. –
Installing AUCTeX on Windows 10 - TeX - LaTeX Stack Exchange
2018年9月3日 · This procedure is actually described in the manual: 1.2 Installing AUCTeX: The modern and strongly recommended way of installing AUCTeX is by using the Emacs package manager integrated in Emacs 24 and greater (ELPA). Simply do M-x list-packages RET, mark the auctex package for installation with i, and hit x to execute the installation procedure ...
A simpleton's guide to (...)TeX workflow with emacs
The best way to get started with and learn AUCTeX is probably to read the quick start. I have included some configuration that is good to start with when using AUCTeX in the setup below. AUCTeX can handle \input and standalone. I have never used memoir so I do not know if there is some particular Emacs gadget to help with it.
For a absolute beginner, how to start to learn Emacs and AucTeX?
2016年11月28日 · Have you installed AUCTeX? When you visit a .tex file, are you using AUCTeX? (Often, this means adding some settings to your .emacs file.) If so, running C-c C-c will run latex (or pdflatex or xelatex or lualatex). Your question is very broad. Skim the AUCTeX manual. Ask questions about specific things when you have them.
How to use AUCTeX and outline-minor-mode together for folding?
2014年11月4日 · Outline mode and the AUCTeX folding facilities are two different beasts that are meant to do broadly the same thing: hide and show selected parts of the buffer. Personally, I find the AUCTeX facilities to be rather jarring and rarely use them, but your mileage may vary. I use the outlining functionality all the time, however. outline-minor-mode
Useful shortcuts or key bindings or predefined commands for …
2011年6月15日 · C-c C-m (or C-c RET) insert macro (warning: pressing TAB at this point will take a while because AUCTeX will load a list of all the macros it knows about. If the macro you pick is \usepackage and then TAB AUCTeX will load a list of all the packages it knows about for you to choose from.) C-c C-f C-e Add an \emph{} and place cursor between the ...
Configuring Emacs/AucTeX in Windows 10 to use Sumatra PDF?
2019年3月25日 · AUCTeX's built-in support for SumatraPDF was improved with the release of version 11.90. So make sure you have the latest version installed, which can be easily done from ELPA. You need to touch three areas: Win10's PATH environment variable. This step is optional: Adjust the PATH environment variable and add the directory containing SumatraPDF ...
latex - How to Configure AucTeX to Preview .pdf File Generated by ...
2020年11月25日 · This is covered in the AucTeX manual, specifically the section (auctex) Starting Viewers. The command to launch a viewer is:-- Command: TeX-view ('C-c C-v') Start a viewer without confirmation. The viewer is started either on a region or the master file, depending on the last command issued. This is especially useful for jumping to the
auctex - How is \documentclass an "Undefined control sequence"?
2017年5月24日 · The third line tells AucTeX, that the file itself is the main file of the document. If your file does not have such a section, add it. If the mode line differs, change it.Then save the file and press Strg+C, Strg+N (in emacs syntax C-c C-n) or close it and load it again. After this, C-c C-c should run LaTeX instead of (plain)TeX.
How to install AUCTeX on Emacs without automatic activation for …
2024年2月3日 · With these lines, when running the package-list-packages command, the AUCTeX package appears disabled, but the .tex files are opened with the syntax highlighting and functions provided by AUCTeX. I tried also to look at the variable auto-mode-alist but in both cases, auctex installed or NOT, I found: ("\\.tex\\'" . latex-mode)