On-X® Aortic Heart Valve - Artivion
The On-X Aortic Valve provides optimal mean gradients compared with other bileaflet and bioprosthetic aortic valves at ≥1 year. 4-9 Product Animation The animation below demonstrates how the unique material and design features of the On-X Aortic Heart Valve promote laminar blood flow and reduce thrombogenicity.
天龙功放X系列和S系列有什么区别,比如X2700和S960? - 知乎
天龙avr-x2700h具备高级dsp(数字声音处理器)芯片,处理性能强大。 AVR-X2700H具有单片四个300MHz DSP内核,每秒可处理超过十亿次计算,可满足更新的环绕声解码和处理需求↓↓↓
Hemodynamic Comparison of the On-X and Top Hat Mechanical …
In this study, we found that patients who received an On-X mechanical AV prosthesis in isolated AVR had longer ACC times compared with patients who received a Top Hat valve, a finding suggesting that the On-X valve prosthesis is more challenging to implant.
Mechanical Aortic Valve Prostheses in the Small Aortic Root: Top Hat ...
Mechanical aortic valve replacement in the small aortic root is associated with substantial perioperative mortality, in particular in the subset of patients requiring additional cardiac surgical procedures. Nevertheless, long-term outcome is satisfying.
The Carbomedics Top Hat supraannular aortic valve: a …
Introduced in 1993, the Carbomedics Top Hat (Sulzer, Carbomedics, Austin, TX) valve is a bileaflet mechanical aortic prosthesis designed to be placed in a supraannular position. Five institutions pooled their clinical experiences to evaluate early outcome in …
便捷录音体验与MOTIV Audio和AVR X PRO - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
avr x pro是另外一款全功能的录音应用程序,为用户提供了更多高级录音和编辑功能。 以下是AVR X PRO的特点: 多轨录音: 支持多轨录音功能,用户可以同时录制多个音轨,方便音乐制作和后期编辑。
With 40+ years of history perfecting the art of the jacket & creating a cultural phenomenon, Avirex is best-known for its highly crafted leather bomber jackets & collectible pieces coveted everywhere by high profile athletes & musicians.
AVR Wrench Flexfit Hat- Black – AVR Customs
AVR Wrench leather patch; L/XL size; Black in color; Flexfit band for a comfortable fit; Materials / Washing. 63% Polyester / 34% Cotton / 3% Spandex; Do not wash in laundry machine. Instead use warm water, laundry detergent and a brush to wash.
HATS - Avirex
HATS. SHOP SALE. ALL SPORTSWEAR. ACCESSORIES ACCESSORIES; WOMEN WOMEN; LOOKBOOK LOOKBOOK; SALE SALE; ... x. NYC SOHO SHOP. Avirex 21 Mercer St. New York, NY 10013 Hours: Monday 12pm - 7pm Tuesday 12pm - 7pm Wednesday 12pm - 7pm Thursday 12pm - 7pm Friday 12pm - 7pm Saturday 12pm - 7pm Sunday 12pm - 7pm Contact: [email protected].
AVR-X1800H DAB - AV-Receiver - Denon
Der AVR-X1800HDAB garantiert faszinierende Entertainment-Erlebnisse mit 8K-Video und 3D-Sound. Als 7.2- oder 5.2.2.-Setup mit Dolby Atmos und DTS:X füllt er kleine bis mittelgroße Räume mit hervorragendem Sound. HEOS® Built-in ermöglicht es zudem, Musik kabellos auf alle HEOS-fähigen Lautsprecher in Deinem Zuhause zu streamen.