AVS - Crye Precision
AVS. 22 Products . Sort & Filter . Narrow By . AVS™ MBITR Pouch. $32.90 . AVS™ 6x6" Side Armor Carrier Set. $70.40 . AVS™ 6x9" Side Armor Carrier Set ... AVS™ Detachable Chest …
AVS™ Detachable Chest Rig - CRYE PRECISION
The AVS™ DETACHABLE CHEST RIG is a multi-purpose chest rig capable of being used with various components of the AVS™ system. This unique system allows the user to be able to …
The AVS™ 1000 PACK is a streamlined, lightweight assault pack designed to provide the user with a variety of access and attachment options. It can be configured as a standalone pack, a …
Crye Adaptive Vest System (AVS) Kit - U.S. Elite Gear
The Crye Precision ™ (Adaptive Vest System) is a fully modular warfighting platform capable of scaling from a plate carrier to a load-bearing full armor system.
Crye Precision AVS Detachable Chest Rig
The AVS™ Detachable Chest Rig is a multi-purpose chest rig capable of being used with various components of the AVS™ system. This unique system allows the user to be able to carry a …
2023年12月16日 · avs™ detachable chest rig 仅有一个尺码,通过调节肩带、腰带以适应不同身材。 颜色方面有MULTICAM®迷彩、土狼棕COYOTE、 游骑兵 绿R. GREEN以及黑色BLACK可 …
Crye Precision“官方”配装拍照指南 - 哔哩哔哩
2020年3月13日 · AVS胸挂(AVS™ Detachable Chest Rig) 售价:$400.50. 模块化负重腰封(MRB) 售价:$151.60(2.0版) JPC背心 售价:$241.90(2.0版) AVS连接式附件 背 板包 …
MM's Crye Precision page 7 - militarymorons
6/1/13 - The Crye Precision Adaptive Vest System (AVS) is a complete system that enables the user to combine items to configure anything from a low-vis rig to a fully armoured load-bearing …
The AVS™ DETACHABLE CHEST RIG is a multi-purpose chest rig capable of being used with various components of the AVS™ SYSTEM. This unique system allows the user to be able to …
The AVS™ Detachable Chest Rig is a multi-purpose chest rig capable of being used with various components of the AVS™ system. This unique system allows the user to carry a variety of