精密國際AW狙擊步槍 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
“AWSM”為對.338 Lapua Magnum 口徑AWM的非官方命名。 在下列国家军队中列装: 英軍命名為L115A1,改良型名為L115A3。 经过重新设计,使用 12.7×99毫米NATO(.50 BMG) 的AW。 AW50亦是 反器材步槍。 在下列国家军队中列装: 德国:G24(Gewehr 24或Scharfschützengewehr 24)。 列装澳大利亚军队的AW50改型。
AWM狙击步枪(英文:AWM Sniper rifle,全称:Arctic Warfare Magnum Sniper rifle [9],又称:超级马格南 Super Magnum,简称:SM步枪 [8]),是英国精密国际公司(Accuracy International)研制的一型军用栓动狙击步枪。 AWM狙击步枪全长1180毫米,枪管长660毫米。 原本AW系列步枪只使用7.62毫米子弹,但为了提高威力,增大狙击距离,AWM狙击步枪开始使用0.338英寸拉普-马格南子弹(8.6毫米口径)。 比起使用12.7毫米子弹的狙击步枪,AWM狙击 …
Accuracy International Arctic Warfare - Wikipedia
The AWM is a variant of the AW sniper rifle that is chambered for either the .300 Winchester Magnum or the .338 Lapua Magnum. It has a longer bolt compared to the AW, in order to accommodate for the larger and more powerful magnum cartridges.
AW338 - ARES Airsoft
Adjustable Cheek Pad, Butt Pad & Monopad. Built-in Quick Release Bipod. Compatible with CO2 Magazine.
精密國際AWM狙擊步槍 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
精密國際AWM (Accuracy International Arctic Warfare Magnum)為英國精密國際研發的北極作戰系列的 狙擊步槍,另稱 AWSM (Accuracy International Arctic Warfare Super Magnum),AWSM較常指搭載著.338 Lapua Magnum 的AWM。 英國陸軍 主要把搭載著.338 Lapua Magnum 的AWSM改裝並且命名為 L115A1,L115A1也搭載著 施密特-本德爾 3-12 × 50 PM II瞄準鏡,子彈口徑則為 7.62×51毫米NATO,就如同以前使用的PM步槍(英軍命名 …
ARES CNC Edition AW-338 Full Size Airsoft Gas Sniper Rifle (Black)
Shooter friendly design that is easy to modify and upgrade. Structurally up to 90% CNC 6063 Aluminum. CNC Aluminum outer barrel & flashhider. Quick release full metal bipod. High Impact Polymer Ergonomic Sniper Stock. Adjustable Cheek Rest with Rubber Pad. Adjustable Rear Monopod for precision shooting. Adjustable Bipod 170 ~ 250mm In 6 Steps.
AI AWM ——〖枪炮世界〗
AWM 中的 “M”是Magnum的缩写,也被称为“超级马格南”(Super Magnum),或简称AWSM步枪(此称呼一般指.338口径的AWM)。 AWM 的口径为北约成员国内所使用的.300温彻斯特-马格南和.338拉普-马格南 ,此外还有一种 7mm 雷明顿-马格南 。
ARES AW 338 CNC Version (Olive Drab) | RedWolf - RedWolf …
The new ARES AW 338 is completely CNC milled from high grade 6061 Aluminum with an extremely robust and well finished Fiber Reinforced Polymer body. Fully upgradable, this rifle is the definitive answer for all gas operated snipers.
Matrix AW-338 MB08D Bolt Action Airsoft Sniper Rifle with …
Matrix AW-338 MB08D Bolt Action Airsoft Sniper Rifle with Folding Stock by WELL (Color: Black) This gun has a muzzle velocity rating (FPS) between 366 and 500, and is compliant for export to Canada.
Matrix AW338 Airsoft Bolt Action Heavy Weight Sniper Rifle by …
UFC has done a truly great job of recreating the tried and true long-distance AW338 sniper rifle. When you pick up this rifle it has a nice, hefty feel to it, thanks to its steel outer barrel assembly. The metal bolt mechanism is nice and smooth and is linked to a robust trigger assembly that can handle up to a 500+ FPS spring.