Sony Portable Theater System with 360 Spatial Sound Mapping | HT-AX7
Sound Field effect is off, place the three speakers in the corner of your room and the HT-AX7 will create the perfect atmosphere with high-quality, room-filling sound. Design and Audio in …
索尼HT-AX7_Sony HT-AX7_无线扬声器|报价,价格,配置,详情-索尼 …
索尼HT-AX7,在线购买Sony HT-AX7,了解最全的索尼 HT-AX7图片,报价,介绍信息,最新的索尼HT-AX7配置,报价信息,尽在索尼中国在线商城.
HT-AX7 | 可攜式影院系統 | 家庭影院及 Soundbar | Sony 香港
探索 Sony HT-AX7。 這款可攜式影院系統配備 360 Spatial Sound Mapping 技術,讓您隨時隨地體驗空間音效。
Sony HT-AX7 隨身劇院系統試聽報告|不設限的沈浸式音效體驗
2023年7月19日 · 在我們印象中的劇院系統,最低需求必須具備中置揚聲器、後環繞揚聲器與重低音喇叭,且均需接上電源才能組建一組基本的劇院系統,隨著無線傳輸與聲學技術的不斷演進,目前市面上也推出單件式 Soundbar 劇院系統,更能結合無線環繞揚聲器,讓使用者更能輕鬆完成劇院系統的配置。 而在無線傳輸... (行動影音 第1頁)
如何评价索尼新品HT-AX7积木音响? - 知乎
2023年11月3日 · 索尼HT-AX7的音响配置为中心椭圆造型的主音响以及两枚圆饼造型的后置扬声器,后置音响通过底部磁吸的方式与主音响进行连接。 后置音响的底部标注了L/R的左右序列方便用户区分,我们可以发现后置音响的充电端子不限制摆放的角度,不用再去特意对准位置,让音响的取放过程都非常自然。 音响配置方面,主音响内部是两枚X-Balanced扬声器单元,49mm x 71mm的超大面积振膜在声音质量上提供了基础的保证,再加上其所处的位置在主音响靠近中 …
Sony HT-AX7 review - What Hi-Fi?
2024年5月21日 · So maybe the AX7 is an unusually small soundbar? Except that it doesn’t have any physical source connections or even wi-fi connectivity. Also, while it supports Sony’s 360-degree spatial sound technology, it doesn’t support Dolby Atmos or DTS:X. So… maybe it’s an immersive surround sound music player?
“氛围感 真环绕”可拆卸自由观影新物种 ——索尼发布“积木音响”HT-AX7
2023年10月16日,索尼(中国)有限公司发布新款蓝牙音响——“积木音响”HT-AX7。 该音响采用索尼360SSM技术(360空间声场映射技术,简称360SSM)和独特的可拆卸结构设计,在实现传统音响的功能基础上,进一步为用户提供了创新式可移动多场景的360智能穹顶声场沉浸音效体验。 随着流媒体市场发展迅速,消费者的观影习惯和观影需求发生了巨大变化:空间不在局限于客厅,变得多样、灵活;音质的要求也越来越高,追求更好的聆听体验。 为满足大众观影品质化 …
索尼HT-AX7_Sony HT-AX7_无线扬声器|报价,价格,配置,详情-索尼 …
运用索尼专利技术,无拘摆放,打造出360智能穹顶声场,实现层次丰富的立体音效。 HT-AX7仅需三个音箱,即可让您沉浸在私人的影音天地中。
HT-AX7 | Portable Theatre System | Home Theatre & Soundbars | Sony …
The HT-AX7 uses 360 Spatial Sound Mapping technology to envelop you in spatial sound by creating multiple phantom speakers at the front, rear, and overhead. Simply place the three …
HT-AX7 | Portable Theatre System | Home Theatre & Soundbars | Sony …
The HT-AX7 uses 360 Spatial Sound Mapping technology to envelop you in spatial sound by creating multiple phantom speakers at the front, rear, and overhead. Simply place the three speakers around you, and you'll feel completely immersed.
Sony HT-AX7 Portable Theater System for Tablet, Phone, Laptop ...
2024年2月17日 · Experience immersive sound anywhere delivered with Sony’s portable theater system with 360 Spatial Sound Mapping. The HT-AX7 uses 360 Spatial Sound Mapping technology to envelop you in spatial sound by creating multiple phantom speakers at the front and rear. Simply place the three speakers around you, and you'll feel completely immersed.
I want to love the new Sony HT-AX7, but this one thing massively …
2023年7月7日 · To catch readers up, the HT-AX7 is a compact surround sound speaker system that combines a dinky, soundbar-shaped central speaker with two detachable disc-shaped satellite speakers.
環繞音場跟著走-【開箱】Sony HT-AX7可攜式劇院系統 | U …
2023年9月7日 · HT-AX7 支援「Sony | Home Entertainment Connect」App,可以控制夜間模式、音場效果、語音模式以及音量調整等。 如果對操作設定不熟悉的話,也有使用說明書可以參考。
Sony HT-AX7 review: a mobile surround sound system for ... - TechRadar
2023年10月23日 · It's a portable Bluetooth-connected surround sound system, where you can just grab the two rechargeable mini 'puck' speakers from the top of the main unit, place them behind you, and be surrounded...
Sony HT-AX7 hands-on: This weird Bluetooth speaker is actually …
2023年10月25日 · Forget the concept design looks, the Sony HT-AX7 is a brilliant Bluetooth portable speaker system that brings immersive sound anywhere to devices like phones, tablets and laptops.
Sony HT-AX7: When home cinema becomes portable
2024年2月2日 · Whether you’re looking for a portable speaker for your summer house trip, a device for the bedroom or just a portable audio solution for travelling, the HT-AX7 is a great option to consider. With impressive technology, design and solid battery life, it’s evident that Sony continues to stay relevant in audiovisual innovation.
Sony Group Portal - HT-AX7 | Sony Design
2024年1月30日 · The HT-AX7 is a completely wireless portable theatre system that lets users create spatial sound wherever and however they want, enriching the content experience. In this article, members from the project team offer a behind-the-scenes look at how the product came to be—and how designers played an essential role in the process.
HT-AX7 | Portable Theatre System - Sony Asia Pacific
The HT-AX7 uses 360 Spatial Sound Mapping technology to envelop you in spatial sound by creating multiple phantom speakers at the front, rear, and overhead. Simply place the three …
Sony HT-AX7 hands-on review: take the cinema with you - Stuff
2023年7月6日 · Want compact spatial sound you can take (just about) anywhere? The Sony HT-AX7 promises cleverly upmixed audio on the move
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