axi4-lite · GitHub Topics · GitHub
2025年2月27日 · AXI4 Full, Lite, and AxiStream verification components. AXI4 Interface Master, Responder, and Memory verification components. AxiStream transmitter and receiver verification components ...
GitHub - OSVVM/AXI4: AXI4 Full, Lite, and AxiStream verification ...
AXI4 Full, Lite, and AxiStream verification components. AXI4 Interface Master, Responder, and Memory verification components. AxiStream transmitter and receiver verification components - OSVVM/AXI4
GitHub - muhammadtalhasami/Axi4_lite_interface: This repo …
AXI4-Lite: A subset of AXI, lacking burst access capability. Has a simpler interface than the full AXI4 interface. AXI4-Stream: A fast unidirectional protocol for transfering data from master to slave.
AXI4-Lite Interface - GitHub
AXI4-Lite: A subset of AXI, lacking burst access capability. Has a simpler interface than the full AXI4 interface. Has a simpler interface than the full AXI4 interface. AXI4-Stream: A fast unidirectional protocol for transfering data from master to slave.
GitHub - pulp-platform/axi: AXI SystemVerilog synthesizable IP …
AXI4-Lite-attached LFSR; read returns pseudo-random data, writes are compressed into a checksum. axi_lite_mailbox: A AXI4-Lite Mailbox with two slave ports and usage triggered irq. Doc: axi_lite_mux: Multiplexes AXI4-Lite slave ports down to one master port. Doc: axi_lite_regs: AXI4-Lite registers with optional read-only and protection features ...
GitHub - krailis/zynq-axi-tutorial: A tutorial on the usage of AXI4 ...
AXI4-Lite and AXI4-Stream interfaces require different components in order to be interconnected with the ZYNQ-7 Processing System. AXI4-Lite Interface In case of an IP with an AXI4-Lite interface the interconnection with the PS is for the most part automated and the Synthesis, Implementation and Bitstream Generation steps may follow.
GitHub - keyonhome/AXI4_LiteIP: A verilog FPGA Interface for …
The signal of AXI4_Lite listed below:DataSheet from Xilinx CRS rigisters( Configure & Status Report ) In an SoC system, the processor needs to configure a large number of peripheral configuration registers, and read the status of the peripheral from the peripheral's status register to perform operations such as initialization completion judgment.
GitHub - alexforencich/verilog-axi: Verilog AXI components for …
Collection of AXI4 and AXI4 lite bus components. Most components are fully parametrizable in interface widths. Includes full cocotb testbenches that utilize cocotbext-axi .
suoglu/AXI-lite-slave: Slaves for AXI-lite interface - GitHub
This IP provides a simpler interface for AXI4-Lite protocol. IP handles all signalling for AXI lite interface with a simpler interface with only two channels. Both, read and write, channels use the same signals and naming convention (except a passthrough write_strobe signal).
ccbrown/axi-lite-vhdl: axi4-lite implementation in vhdl - GitHub
This is an AXI4-Lite implementation in VHDL. It is formally verified using the formal properties from ZipCPU/wb2axip. I prioritized simplicity over performance, so the implementation should be very easy to understand and modify in order to implement custom AXI-Lite peripherals, but it does not support multiple in-flight transactions.