AZ EQ6 GT vs AZ EQ6 PRO: what are the differences?
2020年6月25日 · I'm considering purchasing an used AZEQ6 GT. I've found that on the vendors website the model sold is the AZEQ6 PRO, which has green circles, the AZ EQ6 GT has white circles. Now what are if any the differences between the 2? Will the AZ EQ6 GT have synscan go-to? Will the AZ EQ6 GT have encoders for manual movement without losing alignment?
Sky-Watcher AZ-EQ6 GT PRO GEQ & Alt-Az Astronomy Mount
2021年5月26日 · The Sky-Watcher AZ-EQ6GT is a dual-purpose, fully functional computerised heavy-duty mount with Go-To/tracking that works in both Alt-Azimuth (AZ) and Equatorial (EQ) modes. Features patented dual-encoder technology. This enables the telescope to be moved manually in either axis without losing positional information.
AZ-EQ6 Mount - Sky-Watcher USA
The AZ-EQ6 is the ultimate multi-role mount, blending the popularity of an EQ mount with the convenience of an Alt-Az mount. With its heavy duty 44-pound payload capacity, the AZ-EQ6 can handle a large variety of optical systems for both imaging and visual applications.
Skywatcher AZ EQ6-GT Review Part-1 - First Light Optics
2013年4月9日 · Finished in Sky-Watcher’s normal white finish and trimmed with brushed aluminium components, the AZ-EQ6 GT is a very attractive and solid looking mount with more rounded lines than its predecessor which gives it a more ‘finished’ appearance.
Sky-Watcher | Sky-Watcher Global Website
The Sky-Watcher AZ-EQ6 SynScan mount gives optimal stability and pointing accuracy for a wide variety of heavy professional photo and video equipment. It is a hybrid mount with alt-azimuth capability for general use and equatorial capability for astrophotography use.
Sky-Watcher AZ-EQ6 GT mount review
Sky-Watcher’s AZ-EQ6 GT mount is the latest entry to this new market.Based on the successful NEQ6, the AZ-EQ6 GT looks sleek in its white livery. It’s supplied with a sturdy stainless steel …
SKYWATCHER 信达 AZ EQ6 GT 双臂赤道仪 Powered by Hishop
skywatcher 信达 az eq6 双臂赤道仪,接收订购. 电源接口,变成航空插头. 给az-eq6 本体称重:15kg. 基本数据:
View and Download SKY-WATCHER AZ-EQ6 GT instruction manual online. AZ-EQ6 GT camera accessories pdf manual download.
The AZ-EQ6 GT mount comes with a 150mm counterweight rod extension, which can be installed at this point if necessary. Ensure the extension is tightly secured before installing
Skywatcher AZ-EQ6GT Computerized GOTO Equatorial/Alt Az …
The AZ-EQ6GT is a dual purpose, fully functional computerised heavy-duty Go-To/Tracking astronomical mount in both Alt-Azimuth (AZ) and Equatorial (EQ) modes. Supplied with a Synscan handset with dual AZ/EQ firmware, it can automatically find and track over 42,900 celestial objects from its database.