Aging and Adult-Dependent Care Committee - National …
The NIH Aging and Adult-Dependent Care Committee (AADCC), will research, promote and recommend effective actions to meet the aging and adult-dependent care needs of the diverse NIH workforce.
Aging and Adult Dependent Care Committee Membership
2021年7月1日 · In the Winter issue of the Wellness@NIH newsletter, we introduced you to the Aging and Adult Dependent Care Committee (AADCC). Similar to the Child Care Board, the AADCC has a regular rotation of voting members joining and leaving the committee. This regular rotation helps keep the AADCC active with new members bringing new ideas and experiences.
NIH Aging and Adult Dependent Care Committee
The mission of the AADCC is to promote aging and adult-dependent care resources, information, and related services to the NIH workforce; research and recommend effective actions that meet the needs of the diverse NIH workforce (federal employees, trainees and contractors); and report to the NIH Deputy Director for Management regarding aging, adu...
Aromatic L-Amino Acid Decarboxylase Deficiency
2023年10月12日 · Individuals with aromatic L-amino acid decarboxylase (AADC) deficiency typically have complex symptoms, including motor, behavioral, cognitive, and autonomic findings. Symptom onset is in early infancy, typically within the first six months of life.
The Aging and Adult-Dependent Care Committee (AADCC) was established in 2014 by a bridging committee between the NIH Child Care Board and the NIH Health and Wellness Council. A three-year charter was signed and implemented in 2017 through 2019.
芳香族L-氨基酸脱羧酶缺乏症 (aromatic L-amino acid decarboxylase deficiency,AADCD)是一种罕见常染色体隐性遗传神经代谢性疾病 [1],男女发病比例为4∶3,亚洲人好发 [2],尤其是中国及日本。 AADCD是一种早发性疾病,最早可在新生儿期出现临床症状,且AADCD是临床上少数有靶向治疗的遗传罕见病,早发现、早诊断并给予有效的治疗非常重要。 国际神经递质相关疾病工作组 (iNTD)于2017年在国际罕见病学术期刊在线发表了《芳香族L-氨基酸脱羧酶缺乏的诊断和治疗 …
芳香族L-胺基酸类脱羧基酶缺乏症 - 百度百科
芳香族L-胺基酸类脱羧基酶缺乏症是自出生时所产生的代谢异常疾病,致病原因是负责左多巴 (L-dopa) 与5-HTP代谢的aromatic L-amino acid decarboxylase (AADC) 酵素缺乏, 造成身体多巴胺 (Dopamine)与血清素 (Serotonin)缺乏,造成严重的发展迟缓、眼动危象 (oculogyric crises,OGC)以及自律神经系统功能失调 (autonomic dysfunction)。 血清素 (Serotonin) 它是作用于血管的一种神经递质,也有如激素的作用。 缺乏时会造成智力与精神方面的障碍。 多巴胺、去甲肾上腺素 …
ADCC效应 - 百度百科
ADCC 效应中文名称是“抗体依赖的细胞介导的细胞毒作用” (antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity)。 当 IgG抗体 通过 Fab段 与 靶细胞 (病毒感染 的细胞及 肿瘤细胞)表面 抗原决定簇 特异性 结合后,其Fc段可与有FcγR的 杀伤细胞 (NK细胞 、单核- 巨噬细胞 、 中性粒细胞)等 效应细胞 结合,触发效应细胞的杀伤活性,直接杀伤靶细胞(病毒感染的细胞及肿瘤细胞)。 NK细胞是介导ADCC的主要细胞。 抗体与靶细胞上的抗原结合是 特异性 的,而表达FcR细胞的杀 …
Aromatic l-amino acid decarboxylase deficiency
Aromatic l-amino acid decarboxylase (AADC) deficiency is a disease that affects the production of signals that allow cells in the nervous system to communicate with each other. These signals are called neurotransmitters. When the neurotransmitters are not being produced correctly, there are problems with the nervous system.
Aging and Adult-Dependent Committee Seeking New Members
The mission of the AADCC is to: promote aging and adult-dependent care resources, information and related services to the NIH workforce; research and recommend effective actions that meet the needs of the diverse NIH workforce (federal employees, trainees and contractors); and report to the NIH Deputy Director for Management regarding aging, adu...