在钢琴、吉他和尤克里里上的Aaug和弦 | Musicca
A增和弦(英文简写为Aaug和弦)为三音和弦,由A、C ♯ 和E ♯ 三个音组成。在此和弦的组成中,是将A大三和弦的五度音提高一个半音。
A Augmented Chord on the Guitar (A+) - Online Guitar Books
The A augmented chord (A+) is an A Major chord, with a raised 5th.It contains the notes A, C# and E#. The inclusion of the E# chord can be confusing. E sharp is the same note as F natural, so why not call it F natural?
Aaug Guitar Chord | A augmented triad | Scales-Chords
Aaug for Guitar has the notes A C# E# and can be played 2 different ways. Get the charts and learn about its interval structure: 1 3 #5.
Aaug Chord - JGuitar
Show Aaug results in Chord Calculator. Show me scales that sound good with a Aaug chord. « 1; 2; 3 »
A aug Guitar Chord Chart and Fingering (A Augmented (+))
Here are 6 voicings of the Aaug guitar chord, with a chord chart to each voicings' fingering. These A Augmented (+) guitar chord variations can be interchanged freely. If it sounds good, it is good!
How To Play The Aaug Chord On The Guitar - Guitar Tricks
In this guitar lesson you will learn how to play the Aaug chord. Here are five different ways you can play the Aaug chord on the guitar. There are many variations for all guitar chords.
Aaug chord on Piano, Guitar, and Ukulele | Musicca
The A augmented chord (abbreviated Aaug chord) is a triad consisting of the notes A, C ♯, and E ♯. The chord is formed by raising the fifth of the A major chord a half step.
A吉他增和弦 | 标准吉他 - Standard Guitar
A吉他增和弦又称为 A+, Aaug, A(#5) 你的第一根手指放在第一琴弦的第一品格上; 你的第二根手指放在第三琴弦的第二个品格上
和弦笔记(二)变化和弦 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
Faug=Aaug=#Caug Gaug=Baug=#Daug •它的第二个用法是用作经过和弦(其实就是在一个声部加入了经过音).比如:在A7-Aaug-Bm的进行中,其中某一声部为E-F-#F的旋律线,使得和声进行十分流畅。
Aaug和弦是哪几个音 - 百度知道
Aaug和弦指的是增三和弦,它的组成音为:6、#1、#3(也就是大三度+大三度)。 增三和弦因为包含增音程而在古典主义时期音乐中极少出现,特点是根音与三音