Gettysburg Address Full Text - Text of Lincoln's Speech - Owl Eyes
Lincoln begins his speech by alluding to the founding of the United States and the signing of the Declaration of Independence in 1776—four score and seven, or eighty-seven, years ago. Lincoln draws on the nation’s history to use the ideas of the founders as a key element of his own speech.
Gettysburg Address | Text & Context | Britannica
2025年1月17日 · Gettysburg Address, world-famous speech delivered by U.S. President Abraham Lincoln at the dedication (November 19, 1863) of the National Cemetery at Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, the site of one of the decisive battles of the American Civil War (July 1-3, 1863).
Gettysburg Address - Wikipedia
The Gettysburg Address is a speech delivered by Abraham Lincoln, the 16th U.S. president, following the Battle of Gettysburg during the American Civil War. The speech has come to be viewed as one of the most famous, enduring, and historically significant speeches in …
The Gettysburg Address - Abraham Lincoln Online
On June 1, 1865, Senator Charles Sumner referred to the most famous speech ever given by President Abraham Lincoln. In his eulogy on the slain president, he called the Gettysburg Address a "monumental act." He said Lincoln was mistaken that "the world will little note, nor long remember what we say here."
The Gettysburg Address (1863) | Constitution Center
On November 19, 1863, Abraham Lincoln delivered one of the most famous speeches in American history: the Gettysburg Address. The Union victory at Gettysburg was a key moment in the Civil War—thwarting General Robert E. Lee’s invasion of the North.
Abraham Lincoln’s Most Enduring Speeches and Quotes
2022年1月26日 · The ‘House Divided’ Speech: As America expanded West and fought bitterly over whether new territories could extend the practice of slavery, Lincoln spoke out about what he saw as a...
The Gettysburg Address ‑ Definition, Meaning & Purpose - HISTORY
2010年8月24日 · On November 19, 1863, President Abraham Lincoln delivered remarks, which later became known as the Gettysburg Address, at the official dedication ceremony for the National Cemetery of...
Lincoln, "Gettysburg Address," Speech Text - Voices of …
2012年11月9日 · ABRAHAM LINCOLN, “GETTYSBURG ADDRESS” (19 NOVEMBER 1863) [1] Fourscore and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.
Gettysburg address delivered at Gettysburg Pa. Nov. 19th, …
On verso: Gift Verner W. Clapp, July 9, 1952. Available also through the Library of Congress web site in two forms: as facsimile page images and as full text in SGML. Printed Ephemera Collection; Portfolio 244, Folder 45.
November 19, 1863: Gettysburg Address - Miller Center
Four months after the Battle of Gettysburg, Lincoln joined in a dedication of a national cemetery on a portion of the battlefield. The speech he delivered that day would become one of the most famous speeches given by a U.S. President.